Do you feel God exist inside you?
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No. There are some physical organs, heart, brain, liver etc. that may be seen by medical tests. The thoughts and emotions are function of brain. Our thoughts, styles, ways are like computer software and physical body is like hardware. God is just a hypothetical concept and exists nowhere.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

god is always in our heart without him we cant leave
he is the remote of our body
Thank you Harish for comparing God to 'Remote'. But Remote- is outside the C.P.U. So God is outside and not inside either in brain, heart or any organ.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes ofcourse :)

God is present in every person.

The "Inner Conscience" that exists in once heart is GOD.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
If god inside our us and all people then why we do bad things in our life. If god never do bad things then i think god is not in our inside.
yes ofcourse, God is somewhere inside us.
That's why when we feel low in life or when we feel the need of God, hes always there to help us.

Aastha Gupta
God is a notion and some feel he exists inside us. Satan is also a notion and he misguides us. So, there may be constant war between Satan and God inside us. All that is good is Godly and all bad is satanic. So, in this view we may say that God and Satan both are inside. Usually, Satan wins and so we do the wrong. Probably, this explanation may satisfy most. Howqever, this is also notional explanation and not concrete reality.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Friend....god may or may no exist...but "GOD" does exist and thats what Islam says,
and as per my believe GOD's existence whenever is question is bcz this life gives you so many examples where you find that mercy was done and things went very badly, things were destroyed and all worse happened. But that was human being not GOD who did this bad to the one or community. Religion is always a sword to cut the bad out of your just accept what your religion says..and i believe that you will find GOD inside yourself and feel the existance of GOD.
May GOD bless you!!!!
Bless you with the eyes that may see his existance.
"I" denotes the soul inside my body and not my body. This soul is the part of the Supreme Soul. The Supreme Soul is God. So God is always inside me.
Yes, many a times I have felt the presence of God inside me, guiding me to do what I need to do and what I should not do. People may classify it as instinct too, but still, I feel that instinct, is also given by God, is what I feel at large.

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