can u tell me who are moderators here and what they do ?
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I also have a doubt and think seniors members of boddunan may help us in this regard.
who will help us now??????????????/
In one of the threads in Announcement section, all the list of moderators and editors are listed please check it. As a moderator a person should handle different activities. If we consider GD moderator she/he should post a Gd topic and should announce winners by checking the answers.
Check this link out, also on the home page FAQs section:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

sir i also have the same problem regarding the moderator what are the work of moderator.
Moderator is one type of post on which they perform his duty as per assign task by Big boss.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Moderators are made up from members here in boddunan and they ensure that the site runs smoothly and fine. They had the power to delete any thread and keep the topic of threads clean and tidy and above all on topic....If a particular thread is of no interest or very old they have the power to lock it or remove it!!!
Moderators are made up from members here in boddunan and they ensure that the site runs smoothly and fine. They had the power to delete any thread and keep the topic of threads clean and tidy and above all on topic....If a particular thread is of no interest or very old they have the power to lock it or remove it!!!

Yes i agree with you Ajay.. I have seen that one of the moderator has locked the off-topic of member of the month today.....
okk now i get the point that moderators are called as workers of boddunan.
A moderator is one who moderates and answers members' queries. He may also delete a spammed post. There are different moderators for each category. i am moderator in 'daily dose'. Abid is moderator in 'Group discussion'. Hence, he initiates a topic and we participate therein. The members who submit articles and posts of good quality, cooperate and work in interest of the site are upgraded as moderators. They also get small amount as 'moderator bonus' for their job.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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