Sports are good for health. Everybody knows it, but now a days children are ignoring the games.
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Yes friend I agree with you that sports help in overall development of children and this fact is getting ignored by children as they are more taking interest in indoor activities like video games, play stations, computers and internet. I think the parents needs to play an important role here by cultivating the habit of outdoor games among the youngsters by making them associated with some clubs so that it help them to grow up into a complete individual with healthy body and sound mind. Things should be done when they are young otherwise sometimes it becomes too late to recover!!!
Children ignores it as they don't know its value and have many other ways to entertain.

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I am agree with Mr. ajoy .after all the parents should give force for outdoor games.
Thank you said by: ajay
because in todays time there are too many games which are launched using techniques and they are not for physical health but can be played only by sitting and also these games are attracting children a lot.
Nowadays,children started playing games on the net and started ignoring the outdoor games.
yes outdoor sport are very good for health but most of children are busy on compiter games or something other they have no time to give on sports.
yes, children are ignoring games because there are over burden with their studies so they wont get time to spare for games. Even i never played any game because i always stressed by my elders for study. no one allowed me to play games.

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Children are not ignored the games but the parents are ignoring this and rubbing pressure on them for studies.

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Children should not be pressed only for studies ,they should play indoor and outdoor games equally.
Due to heavy pressure and development of one's career children are ignore the same.
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