Which is more important to you love or money ?


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Love is more important for me. But Money is also important to our need.
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Frankly I would love to love both!!!
Love is more important. If love is there automatically we can get anything.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Both are interrelated and are essential for better living.Hence cannot selct only one.
Love is important than money.Money cannot buy true love.But true love can sail through without money.Though I am not denying that money is important to meet our materialistic needs but believe me less money and love can make you more happy than all the money and no love.
Both are important in life but to me love is the most important one.. But people can live without love but not money......
Money alone won't keep one happy but it's a good lubricant to keep the love-machine well-oiled!
if i have to choose one i will choose love as we can earn money by work hard but can't get love ever if lost.
Both are important for life sustainment. Love and money are vital.
MOney is just an object.It may come and go.But love is a feeling.It is more important than money.

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