What should be the age difference between husband and wife


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As per the experts the ideal difference between a husband and a wife should be between 2-4 years, but where the couple is totally compatible with each other in all aspects and they are comfortable with each other, age does not matter.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I personally think that the age deference should be 3 to 5 years is safe for good married life.......
I feel that 2-5 years is ideal but they are many couples of same age and wife bigger than husband who are happy without any problems.
Age is hardly a factor for a successful marriage life.Previously we used to think that wife should be smaller than husband.But in today's scenario age is not at all a factor.
I feel that 2-5 years is ideal but they are many couples of same age and wife bigger than husband who are happy without any problems.

Yes i agree with you Rajani.. Here the example Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar and his wife Anjali....
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In India there are not too many couples with wives older than their hubbies!Time has come to look at it !
age difference must be from 2 years to 4-5 years .i prefer only this limit.
It is not the age considered difference between them but love, affection and understanding is consider. It would be ideal about 3 to 4 years gap.
Eventhough many says age is not a problem I think it should be cared.In my opinion 4 or 5 years difference is admissible.

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there must be two year difference betwren yhe wife and a husband wife should be less in year.
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