What is face reading and can it be true ?


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I don`t believe in this reading but we can able to read a mind of person with his or her facial expression....
yes face reading will be 99% true. We should believe it.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Are you suggesting it as any astrological tool? No belief! But a face does contain many signatures which are for any intellient and sensible persons to read!
I dont know to how much percentage they are successful but can say that some expression on face are quiet visible to read.
Face reading is true.If someone is lying he will avoid your eyes and will have a tensed expression.Someone who is honest will have a calm face and will look straight into your eyes.So you can to some extent tell person's personalities through face reading.
Face is true index of a human mind and mirrors the true state of it.There are persons who wear deceptive looks but that's temporary!
Face is the index of man. Facial expressions and gestures indicate mood of a man. Nothing beyond.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Actually face Reading is a general term that includes Expression Reading, Physiognomy, and Personology. It is not an astrological tool but by studying the structure of one's face, one's likes, desires, ambitions, personality, and many other traits that certainly influence one's future can be determined.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Yes,face reading is true and it can be done by reading a person's mind and their facial expressions.
face reading means by watching the expressions of face one can tell about the mind of person this is called face reading.
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