Super markets are at par or better than the ordinary shops?
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I think super markets are better than the ordinary shops

Supermarkets are better than shops only in their order of things.

Anything I get from supermarket will cost 200/- above

Better buy from shops. In shops we have close association with the shopkeeper and he keeps our like minded items separate for us.In supermarkets the employees often look at us with a cold look.

In supermarkets billing take a long time :(

Swetha Shenoy
Super markets are multi department stores and these may be good to buy commodities in bulk. I prefer to buy from nearby ordinary shops as and when I need to buy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

super market have a quality and security items.

ordinary shops may have or may not have quality and secured items

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

ya right in supermarket we can purchase everything in place only and no need to move many shops for various stuff.
Super market is name for best quality items and shops near by may have quality one or many not be.

I prefer to buy from supermarket only

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Super markets provide best quality goods at reasonable prices and therefore these markets have a big edge in popularity than ordinary shops but the thing is that most of us are often situated far from these markets and in such situations ordinary shops comes very handy...
Sometimes it`s costlier than the ordinary shops.. But we can easily take a product of latest manufacture compared to old one.....
Yes,really it saves our time as we get clothes,fast food,groceries,accesories,electronic goods,eatables etc under one roof.
super market are very good as compare to ordinary markey because all sorts of good are available there at one shop.
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