Who is a good neighbour according to you?
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Neighbors are those who can help you in bad times.Since we spend most of our time at home and whenever we are not there we are concerned for our family.Good neighbors always take care of small problems occuring in your absence. One can also have get-togethers in order to enjoy the life and make it meaningful.

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A good neighbour is a one who helps us in need,Gives hand on a trouble.
A good neighbour is one who shares our feelings when we are in sorrow or in happy.He also must like our family member.

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Neighbor is most significant relation. He is nearest. That is why Bible says- Love thy neighbor. Neighbors are nearest and in most cases they are unchangeable. It is wise to have good neighborly relations. In emergencies, neighbor is first help. Others come in picture later.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Pradeep Kumar Nanda
A good neighbour is one who is with us in good and bad times, and does not quarrel for small stupid thinks


good neighbor is the person who is the part of our joys n sorrows.
I think a good neighbour is one who has keen interest and care in all our activities.

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Yes, friends I agree with you that a good neighbor is someone who remain with us against all odds of life and they show their existence even at the toughest hours of our lives....Thanks for commenting!!!
Too much intimacy with neighbor may also result in bitterness. It is necessary to have balanced relation with neighbor. It is bst to be mutually cooperative keeping some safe distance and respecting each others privacy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Pradeep Kumar Nanda
Privacy should be always kept.But co-operation should be there in all respect.

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