What are the health benefits of Tamarind?

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Tamarind protects from vitamin-c deficiency,digestive problems etc.
To know more,
I like Tamarind to eat.

Pradeep, It is a very good link.

Thanks for sharing.

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I have heard that tamarind has good medicinal values as it can be used in several home remedies for fractures, fever, burns and ear aches....
Tamarind has many medicinal value to cure scurvy and digestive problems and may more...
That's a fruitful information otherwise people usually think that it only adds to the taste and has no nutritional value and it is always harmful to have it.

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Thank you Pradeep for this link.I don't like to take Tamarind more in any form.

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From tamarind we get vitamin c. I don't think I do make much knowledge regarding the usefulness of tamarind.
Thank you for the valuable information.Every day i use to eat first Rice with tamarind pickle.

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Tamarind tastes too much sour.It is the source of vitamin c.
Tamarind is generally taken for the getting the vitamin c which has the same in abundance.
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