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Hello everybody. Today i am suffered from wrong decision by meean.

In Jumble Word contest : Meean gave a word ARRAANSVAOM

Swetha answers this : Manasarovar. Its the name of lake

my answer is Mansarovara its the place at kailash.

Now meean is saying she means Manasarovar. But she should think , if a jumble word emits two or three words then she must give hint. We are not god who can judge her means from her mind.

If swetha is not wrong then i am also not wrong.

Time matters in this contest for winner only when the word is same. but here the word is different & that word is not same and exits.
I don't need 50 points it not effects me. But i am also the winner which is declined by mean.

In my life i can't tolerate wrong decision. If wrong decisions are giving on forums then i am quiting from forums.
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Lohit really i don't know what to say . I read all the conversation man . Just relax . This is not good decision from good mature people.Let we wait for some time. Let Maverick decide . Cool Yaar.
Hi lohit..

You are right. But i think this is not an big issue.

Cool information and hot earnings @
maverick please come and solve this prob ...
lohit cool dude .senior boarder are not supposed to take such decision so fast. lets moderator come into this.
why ot a big issue. If meean is a contest organizer , then she should know if she is giving a jumble word, which emits two words or 3 words. Then here time not matters. because i have been entered my answer before her declaration. My answer is correct also and different. After knowing this she also not taking the right decision. I can't feel this good.
Lohit just be cool . Maverick and Meean Not in online . And according to my opinion ,both of them should be declared as winner and points should be share equally . Are you ok for this Lohit ans swetha .
ya.. your argument is correct lohit..
but you posted your answer after her declaration of winner is swetha only lohit....
and i want you always to participate in jumble word contest and other forums too as before...
No dear, i have given the answer before winner declaration.

I don't need points but i never tolerate wrong decision. And here meean gives wrong decision.
but in that jumble word forum her declaration is two minutes before your post rohit.. just verify it once..
but i agree that you too did a good effort to give such difficult answer..
have this spirit always lohit... i expect you to participate on future forums too as interest as before...
Lohit, I did not see your posts earlier.

Tell me one thing. When there are few characters that you think are missing, why didn't you pointed out the right one that you think, before Swetha?

And I don't see anything wrong as Wiki says it is the correct one. So even if your answer is correct, you should consider the number of characters available. Adding another character and claiming your's is right one is not proper. Why don't you search in Google whether Meean's decision is correct or not instead of pressing your point again and again?

You should be sportive when involving in public forums and you should take the things cool. If you still want to continue with your decision, I will not stop you as it is your personal matter.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick


I did not read all your posts fully. But i think your behaviour seems little childish to me. I know you are a student ( may be in college ). If you get few marks less than your friend, will you argue like this with your lecturers? Will you threaten them that if they did not provide the correct marks then you will leave the college? I think even if you do like that, no body will accept it.

Regarding the word, i know it can be said either Manasarovar or Mansarovar. But i have not heard the word you claim that is the correct one. If there is a contest,different persons should win everyday. You should not think like you should always be the winner. Winning and losing are always part of this game. I think till now you won the contest most number of times than any other. You should feel happy for that. This is my view.

If you are still not convinced, no need for you to quit from forums and you can avoid participating in this contest till you are convinced that the decisions are right. The contest definitely will lose an active participant but there is no other option .
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