Which is more annoying?
Invasion of personal space or being stared at?


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Invasion of personal space

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
It`s absolutely Invasion of personal space......
Invasion of personal space is an attack on privacy. similar is staring at. Both are equally annoying.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think staring at uncomfortably is also a form of invasion of personal space!
This is really a nice post which of my interest. All members here agree that invasion of personal space and staring at uncomfortably both are annoying.Even, I agree to both the situation and who else can be most annoyed then me.

Now, again I will ask the same question which I have been asking several times in earlier posts and some members doesn't like it.

What if Security Agencies people will invade into your personal space or create situation to humiliate you by staring at you uncomfortably in public knowing that it is illegal.Mind it that they are licence holders from Govt. to peep into anybody's personal life even to such extent that what's general public is thinking in their mind is also invaded by these people.
How will you cope up such invasion,even though they are annoying? This is debatable.
When a women or girl is stared at it will be annoying.But regarding a man or boy I think it will not be annoying especially if the starer is a girl!

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i think it will envasion of personal space.
staring at is something disgusting especially done with an intention to cause someone feel bad.
I also vote to invasion of person. that what is the need to be invase. firstly talk about in right matter.
Invasion of personal space is the most annoying of all.
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