How to save the endangered species on earth?
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by providing them proper climate to live and providing them proper food.
Loss of habitat is one of most critical areas to protect the vanishing species. Human enroachment into areas which support animal life is a global challenge!
Many activities are going on from government side.Also we can have our own methods.Now in Kerala school students are builting nests for street birds to protect them.

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The only way to save the endangered species on earth is by providing them proper environment .
The only way to save the endangered species on earth is by providing them proper environment .

Yes environment is the important one... But our cell phone towers creating danger signal for bird...
New threats are emerging to the existence of our animals and disappearance of vultures is very strange and this has taken place in quick time - may over a period of just 10 to 15 years!
There is only one way to save the endangered species of all animals, birds and that is to control the population explosion of the most dangerous and threatening species on the earth - the Human species!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Ever since human beings started harboring the delusion that they are the masters of their own fates overlooking the intricate scheme of Mother Nature, they have not only endangered the existence of other inhabitants of this planet but also that of their own!
yes well said Mr. chinmoy the environment in which we are living today is completely polluted . Air is polluted water as well as our soil is polluted l. Rather than animals it is not of able to live for humans .
Even urban living has ceased to be livable with concrete jungles coming up in a big way , gobbling up opens spaces and driving out birds and animals!
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