How Earthworms Help Farmers?
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Earthworms digs the soil and make it loose this way it crate good condition for growth of vegetation......
Earthworm make the soil fertile ,so that seeds which are put into soil grow rapidly.

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They enter into the soil from one point and comes out from some other point.This way they help in turning the soil level resulting in making the soil more fertile.

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earth worms make the soil fertile they make small pores int he soil which conducts the air and their larva make the soil more fertile .
Earthworms help in increasing the water absorption rates and are found to control the soil erosion.
earth helps to make pores in the soil which make soil water efficient and fertile.
Earthworm provides manure too to the soils in a way that when they die out they get mixed with the soil and thereby make the soil rich in quality. Besides, they dig the soil and provides free passage of water and air into the soil which is so important for irrigation...
Earth worm helps to farmers in many ways.They make the soil fertile for cultivation.

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Earth worms help farmers by making borrows (holes) in the soil

by fertilizing the mud , earth worms help farmers.

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