Do you still use cds and dvds?
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Yes I still use CDs and DVDs for many purposes.Also I have a collection of them.

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I never use CDs and DVDs. I search my choice songs and videos on Utube and other sites, bookmark these and watch or listen when I like.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I never use CDs and DVDs. I search my choice songs and videos on Utube and other sites, bookmark these and watch or listen when I like.

So you have to use internet always.

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To me DVDs are very useful to bake up my files and books... :woohoo:
Yes ,i use DVDs to watch my favorites movies and songs. Dvds are good source to watch your favorites.

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Yes, sometimes in order to watch the movies of our choice or sometimes for storing the photographs when they are large in number.

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I don't think that DVDs are now too old. Many people still only uses DVDs .

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I never use CDs and DVDs. I search my choice songs and videos on Utube and other sites, bookmark these and watch or listen when I like.

So you have to use internet always.

I use internet for information and entertainment both. I have ID in U Tube and I have saved songs and videos by making list of favorites in these sites.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I can not understand why people should be thinking in terms of discarding CDs and DVDs! These are still very useful!
cds and dvds have their own features they are still used for carrying data. i also use it.
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