Why it is important to conserve nature for future generation?
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We should conserve nature because they cannot be replenished and need to be saved and give chance to see and experience nature to future generation.....
nature is a gift of the god to a human being and all of animls.
It is very important to conserve nature and provide good water and air for our future generation.
We have already displayed recklessness of a criminal character in destroying nature!
Well without nature we can't survive in this planet. Nature is our life line,without we are nothing.

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Nature conservation is a must since every living or non living things on this earth is associated with it.Trees are like lungs of our system,proper water cycle helps in good crops and temperature control along with high underground water level to name a few.

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because nature is responsible for survival of man in this world . In nature there are many factors that provide resources to live like trees provide oxygen and rain and crops provide food , animals are also a source of food. water is provided by rivers to drink and to live . therefore safety of nature is required.
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