What is the right age for dating?
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After 19 years,dating can be done. I don't think dating is wrong,but should be done within limit .

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I think dating is a wrong habit, If you have a female child you can understand it....
It differs on people to people.In my point of view,It should be about 21.
the young age is the right age for dating. I mean the age after the teen age

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

After 21 i think any time can go for dating.
The modern dating system does not going to help in young people to form a strong relationship......
It can be started once you come of age.This is the age when you are supposed to be matured and can take right decisions for yourself.

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I think teenage is the right age for dating and after all it just happens when appropriate times come for it...Doesn't it really?
There is no right age for dating someone special to us but mostly after 15 years.
The age for dating is like our marriage one for boys 21 and for girls 18 it will be better for them.

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