What is the punishment do you think should be given for rape?
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Rape is given too much gravity owing to social stigma attached. Instead of enhancing punishment, social mindset need be changed. A girl raped should not be made to feel that she has lost anything. What happened to her is wrong and offensive but she lost nothing. In fact, causing grievous injury is much more serious.

I favor reducing punishment for rape.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't have any idea but whatever maybe,the punishment should be very severe so that others should get afraid of doing that.
I think punishment for rape should be like :

give medicine to criminal to remove his pauras so he will not men nor women.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I think punishment for rape should be like :

give medicine to criminal to remove his pauras so he will not men nor women.

The suggestion does not seem practical in view of humanitarian parliamentary system. Punishment cannot be barbaric. There can be only imprisonment with or without rigorous imprisonment and/ or fine. It is certainty of punishment and not quantum that discourages offence. It is more imortant to change the social mindset so that the girls do not feel any shame or stigma after rape. More severe punishment will not be in interest of rape victims.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

If person ready to marriage and have quality to become life partner than its best otherwise i suggested that punishment.

Santosh Kumar Singh



If person ready to marriage and have quality to become life partner than its best otherwise i suggested that punishment.

If you really want to help the rape victims, the stigma on them and the trauma caused is to be removed. If you go on telling that they have lost all their honor after rape and they are impure and drastically punish the culprit, they will not be protected or saved. Even if you hang the rape offender, woman's 'honor' and 'purity' will not be restored.

I may repeat that women should be made to feel that she has lost no 'honor' and she is as good as she always was. Rape is bad but this has done nothing to her 'honor'. We have to bringin this attitude.

Nothing can be more insulting to a woman than to suggest that she marry the man who raped.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Marriage is not always right after rape if this will happen then person can misuse and will get any girt that he want to make life partner.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
The person who has done rape should be hang to death. And this decision should be taken within a week. Law should be changed and person should be given severe punishment and then hang to death.

Want to make each day Accountable

Marriage is not always right after rape if this will happen then person can misuse and will get any girt that he want to make life partner.

This is very apt comment. The culprit should be punished. Also the girl should be given counseling and saved from trauma and advised not to feel guilt and proceed as usual as if nothing had happened.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

rapeist should be hanged till the death of him
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