Why a vast gap exist between Have and Havenots (Especially in India)?
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This is the result of utter failure on the part of the government to ensure social justice by fair distribution of income.
Money is concentrated in some hands and it rolls among them only.That is why this difference widens.

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While the government is ensuring a dispensation where a person earning 5 lakh a year won't pay Income Tax but it can't ensure an annual income of 6000 rupees for our poorest of the poor!!! A shame on it!
We have a capitalist system with free pricing and marketing system. The socialist ideals of Pt Nehru are now lost. There has to be wide difference in wealth and income.

But we are to differentiate between capital assets and personal assets of industrialists. The Plant and machinery, businessbuildings and vehicles etc are used for business and hence are in a way being used for natio and not private use.

There has to be difference in possession of personal assets. Otherwise, system will not work. But all should abide by the law. It is okay to have more money by honest means viz. observing law and paying taxes honestly.

The poor will not have more pesonal assets. Government should compensate them by building social assets and public utilities. There should be better public transport, parks, public utilities, libraries etc. for common use of people at low cost or free.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't believe it's any 'ism' that comes in the way of ensuring a fair deal for all.Even USA the model capitalist country has ensured basic faicilities for its citizens.We have experimnted with too many 'isms' without their core message and the results are for all to see!
I personally feel lack of education is the main cause so our government should impose compulsory education for all people……
The uneven distribution of income plays an important role in creating the gap between have and haven'ts in India....
Our constitution clearly lays down 'social justice' to be one of the goals but the progress has been criminally slow in this regard giving birth to social discontent and unrest!
many people does not have the money while other have a enormous money this make a large gap.
A society that is founded on such gross inequality can not expect stability in tis affairs!
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