Happy Father's Day friends. What you did today for your father have you wish or miss.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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I was beside my father during the first half of the day and we had really a great time together and I wished him a happy father's day... :)
I tried my phones to talk my father but i think due to light problem mobile is discharge. any way happy father's day.

Santosh Kumar Singh



I wished my father and exchange complements from each other

Want to make each day Accountable

as i told in the previous discussion for indian every ay is a fathers day. just for the pleasure i too wished my dad and what he says i am not far away from you so you are wishing me.

Yes, Father's day is a new day that our consumerism brought into our society.There is no need to celebrate it when your father is near to you always.

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It is good to celeberate father's day with dad. I love to gift by father a walking stick which will help him in a long way. I remember the service and help provided by father to me when i was young.
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