What do u like to do when it’s raining ?
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I want to play football but what i actually do, simply sit in my room watching TV channels and reading books...
I simply like to watch rainy scene.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I want to get wet in the rain but somehow my health does not permit me to do so therefore I stand in my balcony or by my window and watch the beauty and my heart gets filled with romance....
i don't like to get wet in rain, but will enjoy seeing it from a sheltered place.
i like to eat a some hot food like pokaras or coffe.
When you like to eat food that feels great when you eat in such season and such environment.
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On a working day I won't relish the idea of rain!
I would love to go out and play in the rain, or just sit near the window and watch


I love to get wet and then have some hot snacks and tea then enjoy the rain from window

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

i like to sleep or to watch tv in raining season. sometimes i like to get shower also in the rain water.
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