How can we make more points apart from forum, as we can't post comments, and voting points will not be counted in leader board.
I get more points in reading articles

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To be in leader board you have to participate in forum activities.You get 5 points for each forum replies.

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I too think that participating in the forum activity is double blessed, you can earn enough points from your posts and who knows you can even be even the forum supporter of the day.....
Aprat from Forums ,You can Solve quiz,Answering the Question in QnA section and Solve Crossword Question ....Etc.
Aprat from Forums ,You can Solve quiz,Answering the Question in QnA section and Solve Crossword Question ....Etc.

OK, but forum keep us fresh and energetic always.

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Friends my question was apart from forum, and thanks for your response

Yes, forum replies are the good point earning method and it keeps you alive.

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i think forum replies is the best option to earn more points.
If you wish to have a known member , exactly forum is the best way.

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