Now a days we get news on television before the news paper arrives, but then to almost all the people read news paper, what do you prefer news paper or television

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Newspaper and television both are the good medias through which we remain updated about the latest happenings in and around the world though one difference is there that for televison we need to be at a fixed place to hear the news but newspaper are very comfortable in taking along with us even when we are on our way to office or in a journey...
You may read the newspaper according to your own pace and convenience. Unlike TV, you may read the news in any sequence. Personbally, I read only headings and ub headings in newspapers. But I have to listen full news on TV.

I prefer internet to newspapers and TV both. Internet is a mix of text and video. This is also interactive.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I still prefer News paper.There is no TV in my home till now.I depend news paper only for knowing the news.

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i also prefer Internet for getting the latest news.I rarely read newspaper but will check the headlines.
Yes, internet is a good media rather than this idiot box for news and enjoyment.

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I also love to read newspaper but at times i hardly do find time for that,so i check it out on the net.. I don't watch tv much...
I hardly get time to read news paper.But every day morning I goes through the headlines.At night or one day later I'll read in detail.

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both are good because those people don't have times they just read the paper and those have time they see the telivision
As a mass media TV is good and time saving.But for detailed news we have to depend news paper.

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