A very serious case of cyber crime has been unearthed at Agra. The main culprits are personally known. An I.T. expert was employed in a firm. The firm has a very popular website on women beauty and health. The I.T. expert had access to profile of the site. He stole the data and changed for enabling transfer of advertising revenue to his own account. The I.T. professional and his father, a corporate advocate, both have been arrested. They cheated for an amount of Rs. seventy lakh only by diverting advertising revenue to their account.

We all need to be cautious of such criminals. This is more important in view of recent spams on Boddunan, that still continue. The spammers on Boddunan also intend to post advertisements free of cost thereby giving loss of revenue to site and thereby members also.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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The accused has stated to the press that he was in fact a partner but could not reduce it to writing. He pleads innocence. Both father and son have been sent to jail. See beloe the link for more information:


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks for bringing in the news. We should be aware of these sort of incidents.
Knowledge should be used for prospective things rather than non-prospective ones like this. They should not be spared and this should be a lesson for rest.
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