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Alexa rank of boddunan 2-10-2012

Global Rank-180,128
Indian Rank- 22,194
Site Linking In - 153
Reviews - 3
Google Pagerank - 2
Pages Indexed (Google) - 1,040,000
Bing - 31,200

Thank You,
Saritha Paruchuri :) :)
Nice report shown by Saritha keep it up I hope for alexa rank 3 for boddunan soon.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Alexa rank of boddunan 3-10-2012

Global Rank-183,128
Indian Rank- 21,783
Site Linking In - 153
Reviews - 3
Google Page rank - 2
Pages Indexed (Google) - 1,040,000
Bing - 31,200

Thank You,
Saritha Paruchuri :)
Thank you said by: jabeen, Sandhya Rani
Could you share website name where you are getting detail alexa and rank information.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Alexa rank of boddunan 4-10-2012

Global Rank-183,431
Indian Rank- 21,783
Site Linking In - 153
Reviews - 3
Google Page rank - 2
Pages Indexed (Google) - 1,040,000
Bing - 31,200

Thank You,
Saritha Paruchuri :)
I am not getting this information from any website. I am this info by using some gadgets :) :)
Not just alexa ranking, you can get every other information related to a website including the daily page views and where it is registered etc etc, and you dont even need any gadget to that ,jut google and get it,it has always been there...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

You can get any information about a site including income per day, visitors count and what not. All this can be obtained only at a click without downloading any software or help of a gadget.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

Good to hear about this type of gadget. I mostly use alexa site but alexa shows limited information.

Santosh Kumar Singh



Alexa Traffic Rank: 184,434 Traffic Rank in IN: 21,366 Sites Linking In: 149 5 Stars

Santosh Kumar Singh


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