Clean Teeth For A Beautiful Smile

Do you think brushing teeth every day would be enough for a good clean teeth? Well, that's not all. If you would like to bright and clean teeth but cannot afford expensive dental treatments, your goal is not out of reach. A few home remedies
and a bit of will power will have your teeth sparkling in no time. If you lust for white, spotless, clean teeth, then you should know these natural home remedies that can give you a smile of a star in just few weeks:

1.Strawberries: Mashed strawberries or sage leaf can be applied and massaged on teeth surface.

2.Mustard oil and salt: Great whitening results can be seen if washing your teeth with a combination of mustard oil and salt.

3.Water: Food particles left in between tooth can be rinsed by gargling water.

4.Baking soda and white vinegar and salt: Cotton soaked in baking soda , vinegar & salt can be wiped to the teeth.

5.Baking soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide: Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mixture works as a good whitening agent. It not only removes stains but also kills plaque-causing bacteria reducing acids which harm tooth enamel.

Also, some vegetables act as natural abrasives and eating them clean your teeth in a natural and harmless way, resulting in spotless clean teeth. Vegetables like Carrots, Celery and Cucumbers act like Toothbrushes.

Apart from these home remedies, quitting smoking and avoiding drinking tea and coffee will help in a long way. No matter which of these methods you want to try, remember that results can’t become visible over night and that patience is must.
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These remedies are helpful to all of us. Thanks for information.

Want to make each day Accountable

Small, simple and easy tips... Thanks again Neetu ji... :) :P

Thanks 'n' Regards,
ental Care for Keeping Your Teeth their Whitest
# Brushing your teeth after each meal is the surest way of keeping your mouth healthy. However, since most of us can't brush after every meal, the American Dental Association recommends brushing at least twice each day with a fluoride toothpaste. Tartar and plaque buildup can create a yellowing effect on your teeth, so keeping the grime brushed off will keep your teeth bright and white.

Another idea to whiten your smile is to use a whitening toothpaste. There are many brands that sell tartar protection along with whitening effects.

Flossing and using mouthwash are important parts of dental hygene. It prevents bacteria from growing in your mouth.

The ADA recommends you visit a dentist regularly for dental checkups and oral exams.
The Best Ways to Clean Teeth:

Once your baby teeth fall out and your permanent teeth arrive, that's it. Those are the only teeth you are going to get for the rest of your life. Assuming you live to be 100, that's 90 years with those permanent teeth. It is very important that you learn the best ways to keep your teeth clean. You should also take the time to see your dentist every six months for a good cleaning and check up.

* Brushing:
1. Choose a toothbrush with softer bristles. It is not a good idea to use hard bristles. Wet your toothbrush and then add a tear-drop sized smidge of toothpaste to the top of your toothbrush bristles. Begin brushing your teeth by setting the toothbrush on your gum line and then moving it around in tiny circles. Go from the gum line to the bottom of the tooth. Do this to the front of every one of your teeth. Repeat this for the backside of your teeth. Finish by brushing the tops of the teeth in a front and back motion. This should take about three minutes. Rinse the toothpaste out of your mouth and move on to flossing.

* Flossing:
2. Pull out a long string of floss. It should be about 12 inches long. Wrap the floss around one finger on each hand. Place the floss carefully in between two teeth. Use a sweeping motion to remove plaque build up on the left side and then repeat this for the right side. Do this twice and then move on to the next tooth. Make sure you get in between all of your teeth at least once each day. Keep in mind that your toothbrush will not reach and the only way to clean in between your teeth is with the floss.

* Rinsing:
3. Purchase a mouthwash that contains fluoride. Most mouthwashes won't benefit your teeth, they will just leave your breath minty. Fluoride mouthwash will actually help strengthen your teeth and stop bacteria from forming plaque on your teeth. This is one of the best ways to clean your teeth and keep them clean. Place a cap full of the mouthwash in your mouth and swish it around for 60 seconds. Then spit out in the sink. Do not swallow the mouthwash as it could give you an upset stomach.
* Dental Hygienist:

4. Visit your dentist and have a dental hygienist give you a professional cleaning once every six months. This is important because they have instruments that can get your teeth clean even better than a toothbrush. They can also inform you of any spots that you are missing when you brush so that you can get them next time
How to Do Teeth Whitening at Home:

Teeth Whitening at Home. White teeth are almost expected in today's society. White teeth symbolize health and youth. The best way to get whiter teeth is to see your dentist for a whitening treatment, however, there are several steps you can take at home on a daily basis to get whiter teeth easily and cheaply within a short period of time.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy


First, you'll need to go shopping at your local grocery or drug store. Purchase some "reaching" dental floss (~$3), Crest or Aquafresh Toothpaste (~$4, the whitening versions), a toothbrush with bristles that face different directions with a small head (I like the Oral B ones) and some Listerine Teeth Whitening mouthwash (~$3).

Next, you'll need to do this routine twice daily. Start out by brushing your teeth with the whitening toothpaste, use about a capful of toothpaste. There's no need to follow the "two minute tooth brushing" rule. Make sure you run the brush over your gums and throughout the back of your mouth. Brush your tongue and upper mouth.


Next, it's time to floss. Yes, floss. Lots of people neglect to floss not realizing how much whiter it makes your teeth look. By flossing, it removes any stains in between your teeth making your teeth appear whiter overall. Floss twice a day, you'll see a massive difference in about a week in your smile!


After flossing, use the teeth whitening mouthwash. Use for about 60 seconds, spit out, and do not rinse. It should feel "foamy", try not to swallow the foam. Using this procedure daily, your teeth should look whiter in a week and even whiter after a month! For extra whitening, consider purchasing a strip whitening kit for at home whitening. While using these, I find it helpful to use a sensitive toothpaste for tooth sensitivity as the strips tend to make teeth sensitive during treatment. Good luck!
Nice home remedies for good looking teeth..thanks for sharing. :)
I think Clean teath also add to our confidence in public mingling.

Visit my blogs:
the best way for an best smile is to brush our teeth twice before and after the sleep and dont have any thing in between these gaps.......
How to Whiten Teeth at Home in Five Minutes

If your teeth are yellow, stained, and unpleasant to look at and you are looking for an easy and affordable solution, here is what you need to do.
Difficulty: Easy


The first step in getting your teeth to shine is looking in your kitchen cabinet for some baking soda. This is a very common baking product, so chances are you will not need to spend any money for this part of the teeth whitening process. If you don't have any baking soda, head to your nearest grocery store and pick some up. It will not cost much.

Step two is to purchase some hydrogen peroxide. This comes in a dark brown bottle that's about the size of a bottle of soda. The only difference is that the soda makes your teeth yellow while this will make your teeth bright white! This is also very inexpensive, and although it is less common, chances are you might already have some. It will be a little over $1 and you'll find it in the health and beauty section of you grocery store.

Make a paste with the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. You want it to be about as thick as toothpaste, but a little less. Mix this together thoroughly by stirring with a fork or a spoon. This is all you will need to get those teeth bright white again.

Brush your teeth with the paste. You should be very gentle, and you should try to avoid brushing it into your gums. Brush your teeth for about two minutes, being carful not to swallow any.

Spit out the solution and rinse with water. Your teeth will feel squeaky clean, and they will be one step closer to being those pearly whites you always dreamed of! Repeat this process daily, and over time you will notice a change.
How to Make Teeth Whitening Gel At Home

If your teeth are yellow or not as white as you would like them to be, you can make teeth whitening gel at home for under 50 RS Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and water make a great teeth whitening gel that you can brush on your teeth each day and then rinse off. You will turn your yellow teeth white within days.

Most dentist agree that yellow teeth are stronger than white teeth, but most people would rather have white teeth than yellow teeth.



Buy Baking Soda

Buy baking soda at your local drug store or retail store. You do not need to buy Brand baking soda. Generic baking soda is exactly the same as the name brand. If you buy the smallest box available it will cost less than 30RS

In addition to making a great teeth whitener, you can also use baking soda everyday to brush your teeth. Replace your expensive toothpaste with water and baking soda. Always us a soft head toothbrush for best results and so that you do not damage your gums.

Buy 3% Hydrogen Peroxide

Buy 3% hydrogen peroxide at your local retail or drug store.
A small bottle is less than Rs 50

You may have both hydrogen peroxide and baking soda already in your home. You may want to check the pantry, under the bathroom sink and in the kitchen before heading to the store to buy your teeth whitening ingredients.

Mix Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide and Water

Mix one half cup baking soda with one quarter cup water and one quarter cup hydrogen peroxide. Stir slowly until it is a runny paste.

Use the mixture to brush your teeth. You may leave the mixture on your teeth for up to thirty seconds.

You can repeat up to four times per day.

Whiten your yellow teeth for less than 50 Rsand conveniently in your own home.
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