Treating Cold In Infants

The immune systems of the babies are weak and so they are prone to illnesses, especially common cold. There are more than 200 viruses which cause cold in children. Exposure to the damp climate, cold, dry winter, may trigger these viral infections in children.

Cold causes irritating problems like running nose, mild fever, ear infections, bronchitis, headaches, sneezing, sore throat etc. The low-grade fever caused by cold becomes normal with in a day or two.

Most colds do not require any treatment or antibiotics. It is very important to prevent the babies from nose block, as it will make them unable to breath and suck. A variety of saline nasal drops available in the market which are perfectly safe and makes them comfortable to breathe. They do not provide any side effects.

Steam Inhalation turns the respiratory secretions watery which makes that to drain more easily. The steam vaporizers available in the market are safe and easy to use. Vaporubs are not recommended as it may cause rash and burning sensations in the children. Frequent blowing also help the baby breathe and sleep more easily.

Provide the baby plenty of rest. The supplements of vitamin C, A and E will help them to improve the immune system. Giving them plenty of fluids will help to wash off the toxins from the body.

If the child has persistent thick , yellow or green colored discharge, along with fever, antibiotics may be required. It is important to seek medical attention if there is acute ear ache, bronchitis, dull refusing feeds, little urination and temperature more than 100 degrees.
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Hey thank you very much... This is the season where in the infants and toddlers get attacked to cold easily. These are very useful... Thanks again!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,

To reduce your baby’s risk of getting a cold:

*Breastfeed your baby if possible, as long as possible. Breast milk provides your baby with antibodies, which are important for fighting infection and strengthening baby’s immune system.

*Wash your hands. Make sure everyone in the household washes their hands frequently. If small children are unable to wash their own hands, do it for them. Use plenty of soap and water, and dry thoroughly to prevent chapping.

*Avoid second-hand smoke, which can increase susceptibility to illness, aggravate cold symptoms, and damage lungs.

*Avoid contact with people who are sick, and wash hands thoroughly after any exposure.

Infants are very weak and tender. Even a little change in the season can cause several problems in their health. In their first year, they are especially very prone to cough and cold. In general, they are affected by viral infections in these changing seasons. In children, cold causes a lot of irritation, as it leads to the swelling of the membranes of nose and their respiratory passages. Even their breathing passages get filled with mucus. The blockage caused in their respiratory canal, due to mucus, causes coughing, runny nose, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Read on to know about the reasons for infant cold as well as its instant remedy.

Symptoms of Cold in Infant

* Running nose or congestion in nasal passages
* Breathlessness
* Mucus discharge from nose and ears
* Coughing and sneezing frequently
* Watery eyes, accompanied with a low-grade fever
* Excessive weeping

Symptoms When Cold is Getting Serious

* Fever, with temperature being more than 100o
* Diaper wetting more than normal
* Yellow eye discharge and ear pain
* Greenish yellow discharge from nose and ear, for longer than two weeks
* Coughing and sneezing for more than one week
* Cough accompanied with blood
* Cough causing breathlessness and the blue color appearance of mouth and lips

Reasons For Cold in Infants

* Exposure to extreme weather change
* Cold in mother can also affect an infant who is on breast milk.
* Viral infection
* Passive smoking
* Allergy

Methods To Save Your Infant From Cold & Cough

* Allow least exposure to the extreme weather conditions.
* Do not take him/her outside or inside AC again and again. Let them remain in a constant temperature.
* If you are a breast feeding mother, avoid eating very cold things which may cause you cold.
* Give a regular oil massage to your infant. It enhances immunity.
* Feed her with Luke warm milk if you are not breastfeeding or if your baby is more than three years old, give him/her some hot beverages regularly in winter.
* Avoid bathing him/her on irregular times.

Home Remedies For Infant Cold

* Give steam
* Increase fluids in diet
* Use heating pads or hot water bottle
* Liquefy saffron in mother's milk and apply to forehead and nose, avoiding the nostrils
* Use a combination of turmeric, ginger, pepper, and honey

Other Remedies

* Nasal aspirator with saline nasal spray.
* Cough syrup recommended by doctor
This can be useful information for mothers as managing infants with such problems is very difficult.
These are useful tips in the present climatic conditions. Thanks for the information Neetu. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Most infants do not need any special medication in case of colds, only care should be taken to keep his or her nasal passages moist and clear by occasionally spraying a sterile saline solution such as Nasomist.

The other tips taht you have given are indeed useful, Neetu!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I usually feed Tulsi leaf extract with honey combined to my ten month old baby.

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thank u very much neetu for sharing an such an valuable information on the boddunan forums.........
Viruses are responsible for causing colds. Infected people spread the viruses when they sneeze or cough nearby healthy people. The virus gets into the nose and throat where it multiplies.

What Are The Symptoms?

When your baby has a cold, there will be a number of symptoms. He will be sneezing and have a runny nose. He may have a sore throat and it may be difficult for him to swallow. His glands may become swollen.

He may not feel like eating much and he could become irritable. A cough may develop. He may get a slight fever or have a body temperature of 101 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

When to Seek Medical Advice

If your baby is three months old or less and has cold like symptoms, you should contact a pediatrician immediately. Cold like symptoms in a baby three months old or less are misleading and could lead to a serious ailment.

On the other hand, if your child is more than three months old you should contact a doctor if you notice that he is breathing loudly and his nostrils expand out with each breath. His nails or lips are becoming blue. His mucus is thick, runny and green. He has a cough that hasn't gone a way for more than a week. His ears ache. His temperature is more than 102 degrees Fahrenheit. He has become more drowsy or grouchy.

How to Care For Your Baby

Medical experts tell us there is no cure for the common cold. However, there are ways to alleviate the miserable symptoms your baby undergoes.

Make sure he gets plenty of rest and extra fluids. If he has a fever, give him acetaminophen or if he's older that six months he may take ibuprofen (but don't give it to your baby if he is dehydrated or continuously vomiting).

If your child has a cough and is under three years old, don't give him a cough suppressing medicine unless it was prescribed by a pediatrician. Coughing rids the lower respiratory tract of mucus.

If your baby has nasal congestion, you can use a rubber suction bulb to draw out the mucus from his nostrils. If the mucus is too thick, you can apply saline nose drops to soften the mucus before extracting with the bulb. A humidifier can also be used in the baby's room to help liquefy the nasal secretions.

Concluding Thoughts

The best way for your baby to avoid a cold is to not have him near people who are infected. But if your baby gets a cold, the best thing you can do is make it comfortable for him. Soon his cold symptoms will disappear and he'll be back to health, that is, until the next episode. But by now you'll be ready for that, won't you?
One reason that babies get a lot of colds is that their immune systems are immature, making them more vulnerable to illness. Also, your child can develop immunity to only one of the more than 200 different viruses that cause the common cold at a time. Think of all the colds you've had in your lifetime. Your baby would have to get all of those — and more — to be immune to all cold viruses.

As your baby grows, he's likely to be exploring a lot and touching (and licking!) everything, so it's easy for him to pick up a cold virus on his hands. Then all he has to do is put his fingers in his mouth or nose or rub his eyes, and the virus will get a chance to set up shop.

Your baby may get sick more often during the fall and winter months because cold air and indoor heating dry out his nasal membranes, making it easier for a cold virus to get a foothold there. He also spends more time during cold weather cooped up indoors, where viruses can spread more easily from one person to another.

Most children average between six and ten colds per year. In families with children in daycare or school, the number of colds can reach 12 per year! (The average adult gets two to four colds annually.)
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