The sea level is likely to rise by 60 cm by 2100. The coastal towns may be submerged in water. It is now time for town planners and others to seriously consider this while planning nfrastructure and buildings near sea coasts.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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yes right the sea level is increasing and in coming 10 years the cities near the sea coasts will submerge into it completely there it is better to move from there in the right time.
I think pralay time will come soon. ITs time to pray God to save us at the time of pralay.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Now the planning of building and houses should be done,considering what would be position in next 10 to 15 years. Sea level is increasing and will increase as day,month and year passes.

Want to make each day Accountable

Global warming is changing the world in a fast way.But we are still careless.

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Abid sir,its not that much easy to control global warming. Our level of standard is so much increased that if we will try to stop which creates global warming,there will be huge loss to human mankind.

Want to make each day Accountable


The first cause of global warming is coal and is also considered the most polluted substance if burnt. But can you stop burning coal for generating electricity is a big question? Asian countries are mostly dependent on coal for generating electricity and it is impossible to completely stop them. There should be some alternative instead of thinking global warming is happening. We may have solutions but it is very difficult to adapt as many things need re-innovation.
Yes, the sea level has increased and at our place which is coastal area the cliff which we used to sit before, is presently surrounded by water. :(
It is a very dangerous indication that sea level is increasing.We should be cosious about global warming.
This is a very serious issue and needs to be taken care of on a priority basis. Really tough times in the future considering the amount of release of green house and pollution in the air. Everyone needs to be careful and contributing to ease the menace in the future...!
There is no need to stop such things.If you burn coal we can balance it by planting more and more trees which consumes these carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

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