Now a days corruption topic is on the guys tell me who first brought awareness and showed the public, that try to remove corruption.
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I am not sure about the answer since the question doesn't mention corruption in India or abroad. If it is related with Indian corruption then I think it's Gandhiji against British Raj and if you are talking about someone of the modern era then the person that is coming in my mind is none other than Anna Hazare...
Anna Hazare is certainly not first to talk about corruption. He is interested only in Lok Pal Bill. This was introduced in parliament many years back but not yet finalized.

To my mind, V.P. Singh Ex Prime Minister had raised issue oc corruption in BOFORS deal. Consequently, United Front Government under Prime Ministership of V.P. singh was formed. There were no noticable scams in United Front Governments.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

you all went very deeply. actually corruption awareness was shown by tata tea, later in the serial krishna bhain khhakra wala later anna was a daily dose dude :laugh:
As you had already revealed the answer nothing more to say .But I don't think it was originated in India as you stated.

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yes corrutption is fully spread in allover india . i don't know why the leaders are such that they are sucking the normal people.
There were always persons in different ages from time immemorial who raised their voices against corruption of all kinds and suffered terrible fates and keeping that in mind I think the question is itself flawed!!
I think various persons have stood together to aware the public about corruption. As sharon revealed that,Tata tea group was the first make people aware.Surprised to hear that.

Want to make each day Accountable

So many persons brought awareness against corruption but non of this work..
Yes,its true that ,now in our country the most biggest problem is corruption. Bring awareness will do nothing,we all have to come together to remove this corruption.

Want to make each day Accountable

my question was not stating where the corruption was born.Now a days corruption topic is running in india only not other part of this world. When tata tea ad came on Tv. Here the ad showed the people that public should not give money to the person who illegally demands for doing the work which is free of cost. jago india jago.later i saw in a serial about corruption and it was same like tata tea again after few months got to know by the news that for corruption anna ji came forward.
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