No doubt, Padamavati is a fictional character in Jayasi's work. The movie is based on that. The author is free to give an expression to the story. I have another point to make. The tradition like Johar/ Sati should not be encouraged any way. The movie appears to be glorifying Johar. What is Johar? This is nothing but burning alive so as not to be caught by the victorious army of a Muslim ruler. There is no johar in case of attack by Hindu king. Johar is for 'protecting honor'. The question is why only women only and not men were burnt in such defeat at hand of a ruler of another religion. This practice gives undue importance to chastity especially when that is likely to be outraged by some one not belonging to Hindu religion. Then how does Mans honor differ from that of woman. A man's honor lies in his turban whereas a woman's in her private part. How disgusting!
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Nasty allegations are the proof that the protesters are simply trying to satisfy their own ego which is unacceptable. First of all no one is sure about Rani Padmavati's existence. Have a look:
Shampa Sadhya wrote:Nasty allegations are the proof that the protesters are simply trying to satisfy their own ego which is unacceptable. First of all no one is sure about Rani Padmavati's existence. Have a look:
Even if Padmini existed and the story was true , I don't see why there is such a hue and cry over the film that is yet to be released. I feel that to a great extent it is because of Bhansalis reputation for distorting history . For most Rajputs Padimini's story is real and inspirational and they wouldn't want that image tampered on the screen.
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
I don't support these nasty protests. They infact have gone to the extent that it brings shame to the community. I belong to the community and I am not the voice of the protests. It has taken a political color.
But Usha is correct. India has cultural diversity and film maker should be sensitive. We don't know about existence of many mystical characters. They are taken as ideals in different culture and have emotional and ideological significance. Logic fails when it comes to ideological and cultural significance.
Bhansali had a similar situation earlier also and he should have been more cautious now.
Now they have movie with name Sexy Durga. It will definitely raise protest. Many girls are named Durga but to give such name to movie will definitely hurt community sentiments.
I am open to experience what life's mystery bag holds for me
Now with one life lost in Jaipur, the controversy takes uglier turn. It has gone a far too ahead. The country getting divided and so many law and order disturbances due to a definitely not acceptable in a civilized nation
I am open to experience what life's mystery bag holds for me
Arunima Singh wrote:I don't support these nasty protests. They infact have gone to the extent that it brings shame to the community. I belong to the community and I am not the voice of the protests. It has taken a political color.
But Usha is correct. India has cultural diversity and film maker should be sensitive. We don't know about existence of many mystical characters. They are taken as ideals in different culture and have emotional and ideological significance. Logic fails when it comes to ideological and cultural significance.
Bhansali had a similar situation earlier also and he should have been more cautious now.
Now they have movie with name Sexy Durga. It will definitely raise protest. Many girls are named Durga but to give such name to movie will definitely hurt community sentiments.
I would beg to differ. Every time a community will protest and the creative person has to bow down. Why people do not learn to take a movie as a wholesome entertainment? It is just a movie based upon some story and not upon some truth. So, why so much fuss. The Board is there to look into it but no, the common man becomes the self appointed authority That's the biggest problem of our country.
Shampa Sadhya wrote:Arunima Singh wrote:I don't support these nasty protests. They infact have gone to the extent that it brings shame to the community. I belong to the community and I am not the voice of the protests. It has taken a political color.
But Usha is correct. India has cultural diversity and film maker should be sensitive. We don't know about existence of many mystical characters. They are taken as ideals in different culture and have emotional and ideological significance. Logic fails when it comes to ideological and cultural significance.
Bhansali had a similar situation earlier also and he should have been more cautious now.
Now they have movie with name Sexy Durga. It will definitely raise protest. Many girls are named Durga but to give such name to movie will definitely hurt community sentiments.
I would beg to differ. Every time a community will protest and the creative person has to bow down. Why people do not learn to take a movie as a wholesome entertainment? It is just a movie based upon some story and not upon some truth. So, why so much fuss. The Board is there to look into it but no, the common man becomes the self appointed authority That's the biggest problem of our country.
I agree with you and many more would. But India has a huge diversity. And one can not ignore the fact that at no point, one should ignore sentiments of even a small fraction. It can soon take a religious and political color and take an ugly look. Moreover, it is not only in India, but in other countries too as mentioned by Usha, that protests occur over religious sentiments.
Nobody tries their creative license to hurt minorities in the country and if they do it knowing or unknowingly, they come forward to fix the damage. Be it creative license of any artist, he comes with a responsibility too. M.F. Hussain never experimented with painting Allah and Jesus. So why was his creative experiments limited to Hindu goddesses. Kamal Hassan had a screening of his movie for minorities. So either we have to be secular and mature for all such sentiments and ignore them all as foolishness or the same treatment has to be given across the communities.
Even if it is sentiments of a handful of morons or attention seeking sociopolitical goons, one can not take a chance to upset them and create disturbances.
Sad, but that is the practical status.
I am open to experience what life's mystery bag holds for me
by Arunima Singh » 6 hours ago
I agree with you and many more would. But India has a huge diversity. And one can not ignore the fact that at no point, one should ignore sentiments of even a small fraction. It can soon take a religious and political color and take an ugly look. Moreover, it is not only in India, but in other countries too as mentioned by Usha, that protests occur over religious sentiments.
Nobody tries their creative license to hurt minorities in the country and if they do it knowing or unknowingly, they come forward to fix the damage. Be it creative license of any artist, he comes with a responsibility too. M.F. Hussain never experimented with painting Allah and Jesus. So why was his creative experiments limited to Hindu goddesses. Kamal Hassan had a screening of his movie for minorities. So either we have to be secular and mature for all such sentiments and ignore them all as foolishness or the same treatment has to be given across the communities.
Even if it is sentiments of a handful of morons or attention seeking sociopolitical goons, one can not take a chance to upset them and create disturbances.
Sad, but that is the practical status.
I totally agree with those views. Rules are made by the people for the people taking the majority interest into account while making sure that minority opinion is not hurt. However, here the situation has been let to go too far I feel ..any issue that has the potential to become explosive should be nipped in the bud .
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
The pseudo secular intellect brigade open their mouths only when it comes to minorities. They are lip tight and undergo hibernation when it is the majority in concern.
I don't support the ugly violent protests. But then Bhansali should not call it a historical movie. He can just call it as a fictional story.
Padmavati might be a mystical character. But then she was portrayed as a queen. No queen in history dances for performances. Any those who are sensitive about it will definitely be hurt. I love the song and dance by Deepika, but Padmavati would have never danced like that. That is definitely not the case with queens. He could have gone ahead with fictional movie and added all masala and modifying the story. But to make it on a character that a community awe is not going to be accepted by all. And emotional and cultural sentiments do not see logic
I am open to experience what life's mystery bag holds for me
Re: Never ending controversy surrounding Padmavathy ..
by Shampa Sadhya » Yesterday
I would beg to differ. Every time a community will protest and the creative person has to bow down. Why people do not learn to take a movie as a wholesome entertainment? It is just a movie based upon some story and not upon some truth. So, why so much fuss. The Board is there to look into it but no, the common man becomes the self appointed authority That's the biggest problem of our country.
I think that is the whole point , if Bhansali makes a statement saying that it is a fictional account , things would have been different. If we look back, we see that he and the stars of the film have been going on and on about how they are trying to capture history through sets and costumes and trying to be the same time they speak of artistic freedom ! Highly confusing and opportunistic given the sensitive atmosphere prevailing , all thanks to years of communalisation and divisive policies adopted
Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!
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