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Thank you Maverick Sir, for highlighting our name.
I am really glad to have this honour.
This is the first time I am chosen as forum activator of the day.

Thank you all members for their wishes...

Aastha Gupta
Kumaresh, Jayen, Aastha, Sajeetharan and Karthik Heartiest Congratulations to you all!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)


Thankyou so much Kalyani... for your wishes..
It will help us for furthur work.

These appreciations encourages users to work with more dedication.

Aastha Gupta
Hearty congratulations to the new winners of forum activator award.

:laugh: :laugh: Be ware am back again!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Visit my blogs:
congratulations to all winner of forum activator award.
On checking the list I found be a winner on 8th June.Thanks who congratulated and supported me to win this award again.

Visit my blogs:
Hello Friends...
As I am the new moderator and especially assigned for Forums Activator awards...

So here I am announcing the names of the winners of the past few days..
These are the guys who have contributed their best each day and were active in the forums and make the site famous.

June 17: Meean
June 18: Sajeetharan
June 19: Aastha (It was announced as I was only a member that time and not moderator)
June 20: Vijay
June 21: Rajani K
June 22: Abid Areacode
June 23: Deepti
June 24: Jayen
June 25: Meean

Hope I have not made any mistake and you have no complaints. If you have any doubts, feel free to ask..

Now there will be no delay to announce the reward..

Congratulations!! Winners..
And All the Best!! for those who are not in the list, hope to see them in the list soon.

Aastha Gupta
wow my name is there in the list.. thank you aastha.

and i have a doubt. A member cannot be selected as FORUM ACTIVATOR
more than a time huh?
No, it is not so...
A member can be a winner in any alternate day also..
The idea is that the person deserve to be the one.

Your name could be also there in the list, you just have to fulfill the requirements.

Aastha Gupta
okay ..Aastha

thanks for making it clear. i will try my level best to get my name in all 7 days.
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