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11 years ago
I personally feel that the members should not be voting themselves, it beats the whole purpose...Someone may not want to cast a vote in their favor and may lose out on a vote so it wouldnt be fair !
Yes. I gree. I too think a member should not vote for himself or herself.
I agree but it's not prohibited.
That's the whole point ! it is like self promotion and not fair in a selection process, unless everyone voted for themselves...
Selection for what- All 10 members are going to get a badge. Next month 10 more will be there. And voting for own is not prohibited anywhere. Every one goes to cast a vote for self. You don't expect Soniya gandhi going to vote for her opponent in an election.
Well we know what politics is all about, self promotion ! Here the criteria is different and hopefully more fair ...I just said what I feel is fair !
I know what you mean! But if you have 3 choices use them all and how would one know who voted whom? I was only trying to explain my point, It does not necessarily mean i voted for myself.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
11 years ago
The nominations should be in November 2013. But this is already December. Then how can nominations be made.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
11 years ago
The nominations should be in November 2013. But this is already December. Then how can nominations be made.Nomination for the contributions made in November. You can't nominate one without knowing what he has done already :)
Regarding self promotion, it is not bad either. Why anyone want to vote to another unless he gets his own. That is the reason for allowing voting on multiple members.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani, suni51
11 years ago
I personally feel that the members should not be voting themselves, it beats the whole purpose...Someone may not want to cast a vote in their favor and may lose out on a vote so it wouldnt be fair !
Yes. I gree. I too think a member should not vote for himself or herself.
I agree but it's not prohibited.
That's the whole point ! it is like self promotion and not fair in a selection process, unless everyone voted for themselves...
No, one shouldn't, it is not like our voting system, let our politicians practice it!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
Thank you said by: usha manohar
11 years ago
My name too figures in the list, wow!! For me it is a recognition already, thanks Boddunan!! :P :P :P
11 years ago
My name too figures in the list, wow!! For me it is a recognition already, thanks Boddunan!! :P :P :P
If not you who else Chinmoy? You, Sunil,Gulshanji ,kalyani, sandhya,Usha are the stalwarts. We are toddlers.still wet behind the ears. Kudos to all of you.
11 years ago
My name too figures in the list, wow!! For me it is a recognition already, thanks Boddunan!! :P :P :P
If not you who else Chinmoy? You, Sunil,Gulshanji ,kalyani, sandhya,Usha are the stalwarts. We are toddlers.still wet behind the ears. Kudos to all of you.
Thanks Rambabu for your kind words, that's the kind of recognition I treasure!! About the ones you mentioned I hold them all very dear including you!! All the very best to all of you!!
Thank you said by: rambabu, Kalyani Nandurkar
11 years ago
Definitely a good move to recognize active members of the site. :)
11 years ago
My name too figures in the list, wow!! For me it is a recognition already, thanks Boddunan!! :P :P :P
If not you who else Chinmoy? You, Sunil,Gulshanji ,kalyani, sandhya,Usha are the stalwarts. We are toddlers.still wet behind the ears. Kudos to all of you.
You are right about Chinmoy, Gulshanji and Kalyani but rest of us have all joined almost at the same time. Give or take a month or two.
Thank you said by: chinmoymukherjee
11 years ago
My name too figures in the list, wow!! For me it is a recognition already, thanks Boddunan!! :P :P :P
If not you who else Chinmoy? You, Sunil,Gulshanji ,kalyani, sandhya,Usha are the stalwarts. We are toddlers.still wet behind the ears. Kudos to all of you.
You are right about Chinmoy, Gulshanji and Kalyani but rest of us have all joined almost at the same time. Give or take a month or two.
True. In terms of contribution in putting this site on a Pedestal and the impact created on the late comers like me and many others made a difference.
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