FISH - 50
The period of fishes started from the jelly fish. Here in this article we will know about some kinds of fish. In our daily life we use fish as food. We even use some kind fish for medicine. There are some fish that could kill human beings at an instant of attack. Fish when used as food are healthy to us.
Some 50 Types Of Fish:
1. albacore tuna:
a tuna that travels in large schools and is of commercial importance as a food fish.
2. amber-jack:
a large marine game fish found in inshore tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic and South Pacific.
3. anchovy:
a small shoaling fish of commercial importance as a food fish and as bait. It is strongly flavored and is usually preserved in salt and oil.
4. angelfish:
any of a number of laterally compressed deep-bodied fish with extended dorsal and anal fins, typically brightly colored or boldly striped.
5. bacalao:
codfish, often dried or salted, as used in Spanish and Latin American cooking.
6. black-fish:
any of a number of dark-colored fish, in particular, an open-ocean fish related to the perches.
7. blenny:
a small, spiny-finned marine fish with scaleless skin and a blunt head, typically living in shallow inshore or intertidal waters.
8. blowfish:
any of a number of fishes that are able to inflate their bodies when alarmed, such as a globefish.
9. bonito:
a smaller relative of the tunas, with dark oblique stripes on the back and important as a food and game fish.
10. bream:
a greenish-bronze deep-bodied freshwater fish native to Europe, popular with anglers.
11. brill:
a European flatfish that resembles a turbot.
12. brisling:
a sprat, typically one seasoned and smoked in Norway and sold in a can.
13. burbot:
an elongated bottom-dwelling fish that is the only member of the cod family that lives in fresh water. It occurs in Eurasia and North America, but is almost extinct in Britain.
14. butter-fish:
any of a number of fishes with oily flesh or slippery skin.
15. carp:
a deep-bodied freshwater fish, typically with barbels around the mouth.
16. cat-fish:
a freshwater or marine fish with whiskerlike barbels around the mouth, typically bottom-dwelling.
17. crappie:
a North American freshwater fish of the sunfish family, the male of which builds a nest and guards the eggs and young.
18. dogfish:
a small sand-colored bottom-dwelling shark with a long tail, common on European coasts.
19. dolphin:
a small gregarious toothed whale that typically has a beaklike snout and a curved fin on the back. Dolphins have become well known for their sociable nature and high intelligence.
20. dorado:
a South American freshwater fish with a golden body and red fins, popular as a game fish.
21. dory:
a narrow deep-bodied fish with a mouth that can be opened very wide.
22. eel:
a snakelike fish with a slender elongated body and poorly developed fins, proverbial for its slipperiness.
23. flying fish:
a fish of warm seas that leaps out of the water and uses its winglike pectoral fins to glide over the surface for some distance.
24. fugu:
a puffer fish that is eaten as a Japanese delicacy, after some highly poisonous parts have been removed.
25. goby:
a small, usually marine fish that typically has a sucker on the underside.
26. grouper:
a large or very large heavy-bodied fish of the sea bass family, with a big head and wide mouth, found in warm seas.
27. grunion:
a small, slender Californian fish that swarms onto beaches at night to spawn. The eggs are buried in the sand, and the young fish are swept out to sea on the following spring tide. • Leuresthes tenuis, family Atherinidae.
28. haddock:
a silvery-gray bottom-dwelling fish of North Atlantic coastal waters, related to the cod. It is popular as a food fish and is of great commercial value.
29. hake:
a large-headed elongated fish with long jaws and strong teeth. It is a valuable commercial food fish.
30. halibut:
northern marine fish that is the largest of the flatfishes and important as a food fish.
31. herring:
a silvery fish that is most abundant in coastal waters and is of great commercial importance as a food fish in many parts of the world.
32. lamprey:
an eellike aquatic jawless vertebrate that has a sucker mouth with horny teeth and a rasping tongue. The adult is often parasitic, attaching itself to other fish and sucking their blood.
33. limpet:
a marine mollusk with a shallow conical shell and a broad muscular foot, noted for the way it clings tightly to rocks.
34. mackerel:
a migratory surface-dwelling predatory fish, commercially important as a food fish.
35. mahi-mahi:
an edible marine fish of warm seas, with silver and bright blue or green coloration when alive. Also called dolphin or dorado .
36. mako:
a large fast-moving oceanic shark with a deep blue back and white underparts.
37. parrot fish:
any of a number of brightly colored marine fish with a parrotlike beak, which they use to scrape food from coral and other hard surfaces.
38. red mullet:
an elongated fish with long barbels on the chin, living in warmer seas and widely valued as a food fish.
39. red snapper:
a reddish marine fish that is of commercial value as a food fish.
40. rock fish:
a marine fish of the scorpionfish family with a laterally compressed body. It is generally a bottom-dweller in rocky areas and is frequently of sporting or commercial value.
41. sable fish:
large commercially important fish with a slate-blue to black back, occurring throughout the North Pacific.
42. salmon:
large edible fish that is a popular game fish, much prized for its pink flesh. Salmon mature in the sea but migrate to freshwater streams to spawn.
43. sardine:
a young pilchard or other young or small herringlike fish.
44. scrod:
a young cod, haddock, or similar fish, esp. one prepared for cooking.
45. sprat:
a small marine fish of the herring family, widely caught for food and fish products.
46. sturgeon:
a very large primitive fish with bony plates on the body. It occurs in temperate seas and rivers of the northern hemisphere, esp. central Eurasia, and is of commercial importance for its caviar and flesh.
47. sun fish:
large deep-bodied marine fish of warm seas, with tall dorsal and anal fins near the rear of the body and a very short tail.Also called mola .
48. sword fish:
a large edible marine fish with a streamlined body and a long flattened swordlike snout, related to the billfishes and popular as a game fish.
49. wrasse:
a marine fish with thick lips and strong teeth, typically brightly colored with marked differences between the male and female.
50. trout:
a chiefly freshwater fish of the salmon family, found in both Eurasia and North America and highly valued as food and game.
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