Beauty...When you hear the word beauty what is the first thing that comes to your mind...a person, a scene, a song ,a poem, a moment , a feeling.
This little word has its own Role-play in this world, a small word and so much of a diversified meaning, so easy to feel, so hard to express. Have you ever been to a warm breezy place full of beautiful flowers, or have you ever sat upon a sea shore watching the sun set, do you remember how it felt... beautiful, That's how life is only if we understand it to its worth. Yes, life is all about your point of view if you view life as a beautiful sunset that is how it will become.
Sometimes in life when we stop for a moment to think about our life, we realize that we have been actually ignoring ourselves, in the name of responsibilities we were actually running away from our reality, from those childhood dreams and fantasies that made us feel so complete. For once answer this Question Honestly
Did you never stood out of the crowd and asked yourself ....What's it that makes me different from them? ..Is this what I am born to do?
Did you never have that desire to stand out from the crowd and do something different, to chase your wildest dream?
So for this moment let the world around you stop revolving and take this time out to think ,your dreams ,your craziness, and all those things that makes you feel happy. They say "Never is too late". Live this moment for yourself, revive the beauty of your soul and give yourself the reason to be happy, reason that takes you beyond time, place, and age. Reason to peek back in your fantasy world and take the world a bit lightly. A reason to give it a fresh start with a new perspective,because life is right now in this moment and it comes with a time limit and an expiry date,So tomorrow can be a beautiful memory or remorseful regret the choice is upto you.
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