Nature and God has many similarities. God is the symbolic form of Nature. Sun is the natural source to this world. Many people worship sun as god. They worship sun by 'Surya Namaskar'. That is one type of Yoga. It gives good health and Peace of mind.
Moon, Stars, Mountains, Sea are also the another form of God. Moon is the mother of imagination to many poets. In Indian myth, 27 stars(lunar mansions) are consider as wives of moon.
Mountains are act as safeguard of any country. If any country has mountain, that gives good hope to that nation for safe. In, India Himalayas consider as a safeguard.
Himalayas, not only safeguard, it is a birth place of many rivers such as Ganges. Ganges consider as a holy mother to India.
In this way of thought, one question raised. If sea consider as a god, why tsunami killed many innocent people?
Such things exhibits nature as undefined puzzle. Yes! God is also a undescribed puzzle. But we can unterstood it by good hope and good thoughts.