war has been dethroned
militance has lost the war,
the fires sees,
the bombs, corpses of defeat
and the sun shines,
the sky begins to smile
and the awakening of a new dawn
and the sanguine
departure of
the dusk of blood,
no more guns,
no more tanks
tears stops,
and history seizes to sob
Enemies become friends,
hearts, softening in the freedom
of grudge
and the rebellion of innocence,
shake hands,
forget differences,
and destroy hate
and now development rises
in the new era,
the monarchy of unity,
the new king that rules
in utmost serene silence,
humility is the linguist
and fortitude is the prodigal
that returns home,
resistance, the old dog
that use to bark
has been sappored by harmony,
never again destined to rule,
but be extinct,
as the shadows of the past,
and friends, family,
relatives, holding hands
raise their hands to the sky
laughing like redemption,
because salvation has come to stay.
By Kakraba Afful