1. The pregnant lady should be always happy with peace of mind.
2. They should take 375g or 500g of rice or wheat every day.
3. They should consume vegetables, especially leafy vegetables daily.
4. They should eat fruits according to the season.
5. Eating 1 or 2 eggs per day is very good for their health.
6. The oil or ghee should be consumed by them at least 35g to 50g per day.
7. The ladies who are non vegetarian should eat chicken, mutton, fish compulsorily as these items are very good for their health in pregnancy period.
8. Drinking 8 glasses of water per day will avoid kidney infections.
9. Avoid using asafetida in food for pregnant ladies.
10. The pregnant lady should try to avoid eating papaya fruit and sesome seeds as they will harm the pregnancy.
11. We do not need to worry when a pregnant lady get increase or decrease her body weight between 2 to 4th months.
12. The pregnancy lady should take complete rest in their last month.
13. The pregnant ladies should be cared specially, there should be no stress on them and should follow instructions and suggestions given by doctors.