Supercooling of the body - is a common human condition, when the rest of his body surface exposure to cold, and body temperature in this case falls below 35 ° C. Long-term effects of low temperatures leads to freezing, the body's functions are inhibited, and prolonged exposure to cold and completely extinguished. Hypothermia and frostbite - similar concept but with some differences.
Do not assume that the temperature must be lowered to 0 ° C. A person can die if the temperature is lowered to 17-25 ° C. At such low temperatures, death can occur from hypothermia, so be careful. Anyone can get hypothermia in the winter, the reasons which have different natures.
Supercooling man comes faster with significant fatigue, fasting, when released into the cold water, when drunk, and after hemorrhage or trauma. Supercooling of the child and the elderly occurs much faster. Also, the total body hypothermia occurs faster if you will put on a tight, light or soaked clothing and footwear and, if on the street the wind, frost and humidity.
Symptoms of hypothermia include: shivering, blue lips, excitement, cold skin, pallor, shortness of breath, "goose bumps, heart palpitations. A little later, if no action is taken and no warm up, somnolence, fatigue, stiffness, weakness, apathy, a person can not independently move. If the supercooling of the body continues, we may lose consciousness, will stop the heart and respiration. The fastest way is hypothermia in cold water. For example, when the water temperature of 15 ° C man will not last more than 6 hours. And then make your conclusions yourself, remembering the famous movie "Titanic."
Types (degrees) hypothermia :
1, the degree of hypothermia (mild) - human body temperature is lowered to 34-35 ° C, there is difficulty in speech, chills, frostbite of the limbs;
2 the degree of hypothermia (mean) - the body temperature drops to 31 ° C, ceases heartbeat, lowers blood pressure , breathing becomes scarce, somnolence, there may be severe frostbite of the limbs;
3 degree frostbite (severe) - body temperature to 31 ° C, there is vomiting and convulsions, is oxygen starvation of the brain, breathing becomes scarce and may even stop.
In any case, you need first aid for hypothermia, because even for minor hypothermia reduces the body's defenses, there is stress, changes occur in the vessels and the brain, there may be frequent acute respiratory diseases - is only mild effects, which leads to hypothermia. Treatment effects should be professional. Immediately call an ambulance or go to the doctor, especially when it comes to little children.
First aid for hypothermia
First of all, you need to move the victim to a warm place, well wrap coat or a warm blanket. Wet clothing should immediately remove and put on dry. The victim must not move. If a person is unconscious, you need to constantly monitor breathing and pulse, and if he can not feel, start chest compressions and artificial respiration.
If victim is conscious, give him drink hot tea, fruit drink or milk , but absolutely forbidden alcohol and coffee! Do not try to quickly warm the person, do not type him a hot bath, do not pull it in the shower, do not rub intensively, not obkladyvayut heaters. At such manipulations effects of hypothermia can be fatal. May arise cardiac arrhythmias and internal hemorrhage. If there was only a foot or hypothermia hypothermia of the head, then you need to remove the person close and wet shoes and put on his hat, thus warming the person slowly. Remember that first aid for hypothermia should not harm humans.
Much easier to prevent hypothermia. Protection from hypothermia - a warm and layered clothing and footwear. Do not smoke or drink alcohol in the cold, do not go out in the open ice, try to move more, and the hardening does not hurt. Then no frost and bad weather you are not afraid.