Different types of people have different types of addictions. Some people are so fond of eating that they develop addiction to eating food called food addiction.The term food addiction means compulsive eating that can harm sooner or later. Some people may even not realise that they are food addict they may think that they are someone who enjoys food alot.If one person becomes a food addict he will keep thinking of eating food throughout the day. Excessive eating is seem among many people in the world. Food addiction is reason for various harmful diseases.
Some questions that a person can ask himself to know whether that he is food addict or not are as follows
1. Am i thinking of food throughout the day?
2.Do i lack control in my eating habits and quantity of food i eat?
3.Do i feel that i ate more than what should i have after i finish eating?
4.Do i myself feel that i am over-weight and it harms my personality?
5.Do i think that i will be harmed by my eating habits?
Such types of questions can be asked by persons to know whether they are suffering from Food addiction or not and if they think answer to such questions is yes than they need to think seriously about it and finding some ways to overcome it.
Problems due to Food addiction
People who are food addict are always shame of their obesity or over weight . They feel inferior than others which leads to problems like depression,hypertension, suicide and many other problems. People with food addiction tend to get diabetes due to their craze for eating choclates, cakes etc which contain lot of sugar. Diabetes is very harmful in nature and one should control his food habits properly to overcome it.People with food addiction always suffer from gastro problems. They fail to digest the food that they eat properly. Food addiction also lead to various problems like heart disease, liver disease, organ failure etc.
Some things to be followed to overcome food addiction
1Control your mind- Control your eating habits. Keeping control of the thoughts that come in mind is very necessary to overcome food addiction.
2.Only eat when you feel its necessary- Only eat when you feel its necessary and you are feeling a lot of hunger.
3.Rely more on fruits- One should eat more of fruits and eat other things less to overcome food addiction.
4.Fix your food- Fix the quantity of food you will eat and should never cross fixed limit.
5. Rely more on food that is nutritious to health and not over caloried.
6. Take a decision or make your goals to completly change your habits and removing food addiction from life.
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