Bananas are affordable, and delicious fruit that offer not only the taste and great value but also offers many excellent health benefits including being a great source of potassium, which helps to control blood pressure (and of course to prevent painful muscle spasms) and a natural antacid which helps to protection from ulcers in the stomach. In fact, the only downside to them is that they have relatively short life expectancy - it is not easy to keep fresh bananas. Unfortunately, storage of bananas in the refrigerator only accelerate the browning reaction because of the low temperature leads to the collapse of the cells, so it must be stored bananas at room temperature until ripe and then placed in the refrigerator to prevent them from further ripening.
Bananas naturally grow in warmer climates, so they will brown sooner in the summer than in winter - warmth speeds up the maturation process, banana yellow skin will turn brown quickly, from both home and abroad, giving them only two days or so freshness. For best results and longer life for anyone to buy green bananas and let them mature, and then placed in the refrigerator after they have matured, and the skin will turn brown and white, but the fruit will remain constant, the expansion of banana 'for the freshness of up to four days after it ripens.
If you buy bananas, they are not mature as you want them you can accelerate the maturity of the bananas by placing the paper bag for a day or two, it may be the skin is still green, but the flesh of the fruit will be soft and sweet.
If you have a ripe banana become excessive and place in the refrigerator, the bananas turn brown or even black, but it will retain its sweet flavor and is ideal for cooking and bread after it is thawed, it will be soft and sweet taste, perfect for foods such as bread and bananas.
Once in the peeled bananas have a natural tendency to start turning brown, and delayed this process can be, or even that it had stopped misting or dipping it in citrus fruits such as lemon juice, lime, pineapple or orange. There are also two commercial products that have the same effect. Banana slices should be rubbed while ignoring or fruit juice, avoid immersion in segments of the juice, because this will make them soggy.
Banana is always stored away from other fruits because they release a lot of ethylene gas, which will help to accelerate the maturity of any production close to them.