Beetroot is a very well known vegetable. It is available throughout the world. It is red or purple in color. It is commonly called beetroot and is available widely in all markets. Beetroot can be consumed as vegetable, cooked or half cooked. When consumed as a juice, beet root offers many benefits. Beetroot has plenty of nutrients including: Vitamin C, Proteins, anti-oxidants, amino-acids, sodium, potassium, silica, phosphorous and iron.
Beetroot has plenty of health benefits. The health benefits are extensively listed and explained below.
The deep red color of beetroot is because of the anti-oxidant Betacyanin. This anti-oxidant is very much essential for formation of blood. The major benefits of beetroot are that, it reduces anemia. It increases production of blood in the body. Thereby also improves circulation of blood. It acts as blood building food. Beetroot also contains the necessary anti-oxidants for maintenance of the cardio-vascular system. As it improves blood circulation, the functioning of cardio-vascular system is well maintained. So, beetroot is good for heart. Consumption of beetroot on a regular basis will give you a healthy heart. Beetroot is loaded with plenty of vitamin C. We know that vitamin C is essential for proper metabolism. Vitamin C must be included in the daily diet for a healthy and young life. Beetroot in addition with Vitamin C also contains Anti-oxidants which will delay the ageing process. It gives a young and beautiful look. Beetroot also contains Silica, which is an essential element for hair growth and maintenance of skin health. Bones, teeth and nails also require silica as an essential element. Therefore beetroot consumption gives a good deal of benefits all vital parts of the body. Since it improves blood formation, beetroot is very beneficial for all women especially for the relief of menstrual problems. Many women suffer from menstrual cramps mainly because of anemia that is loss of blood. Regular consumption of anemia gives women good menstrual health. Menstrual illness in women is a major problem leading to overall illness. Regular consumption of Beetroot will give great health benefits to women.
This article would have helped you know about the benefits of beetroot. Healthy life is the major wealth. So formulate a healthy diet regime including many vegetables and fruits. Thus lead a healthy life.