Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of deaths all over the world. Millions of people live with one or more cardiovascular diseases. These diseases include hypertension, high cholesterol levels, ischemic heart disease and heart failure. The contributing factors of developing these diseases are hereditory, environmental factors and lifestyle. It is difficult to alter hereditory and environmental factors however easy to change the lifestlye. Hence lifestyle modification would help in the prevention and treatment of the above mentioned diseases.
Lets discuss in brief about the evaluation and implementation of nutrition therapy in the cardiovascular diseases.
Nutrition Therapy For High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
Both lifestyle modification and nutrition therapy are involved in the nutrition treatment. The primary goal and strategy is to stop smoking and alcohol, increase physical activity, reduce weight and reduce sodium consumption. Several clinical trials revealed that DASH treatment (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) which includes decreasing sodium, alcohol and saturated fats while increase intake of calcium, potasssium and fiber have significant effect on lowering the blood pressure. Hence DASH diet is considered as the foundation of nutrition therapy for hypertension.
Lifestyle changes to manage hypertension
A. weight Reduction
The clinical studies shows that reduction of 5kg of weight reduces both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Hence to promote weight loss it is necessary to follow DASH Diet Plan. DASH plan includes increase intake of fruits, vegetables and low fat or fat free dairy products. Use of low fat free food helps to reduce the total fat intake. Also limit the added sugar products like chocolates, icecreams, yogurt, soft drinks and fruit juices to prevent increase in blood pressure.
B. Increase physical Activity
Minimum 30 minutes of physical activity daily lowers blood pressure by 5-9 mm of Hg. Physical activity is beneficial in all terms. It not only helps in weight management but also improves the cardirespiratory fitness which inturn reduces the strain on heart and thus helps in lowering the BP.
C. Reduce Sodium Consumption
It has been researched that sodium modification in diet reduces the incidence of blood pressure to almost 15%. Sodium intake of less than 2.3g lowers 2-8 mm Hg of blood pressure. Sodium intake can be limited if certain food items like processed food, canned food, salty snacks are avoided and no extra salt while preparing food would help to reduce the sodium consumption.
D. Alcohol reduction
2 or more drinks of alcohol per day in men and 1 or more drinks in women increases the risk of hypertension. Hence it is recommended to limit the alcohol intake.
E. Intake of Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium
All these minerals have important role in reduction and treatment of BP. DASH diet includes 4-6g of potassium intake daily from fruits and vegetables reduces the blood pressure to a great extend. However patients who have urinary or kidney problems must consult their physician with respect to increase in potassium intake as it may not be suitable for such patients.
F. Cessation Of Smoking
Smoking cessation is important change and can reduce the risk of all types of cardiovascular diseases.
Nutrition Therapy For Heart Diseases
The commonly seen heart diseases are heart failure and Ischemic heart disease (heart attack). Immediately after heart attack the oral intake may be reduced due to pain, anxiety and shortness of breath.
A. Oral Diets
Limit the initial oral intake to clear liquids inorder to decrease the risk of vomition or aspiration of food. Gradually progress from liquid to soft diet which can be easily chewable.
B. Fluid Intake
In heart failure the fluid intake is restricted to 1500ml/day to avoid the overload on heart. All beverages like coffee, tea, soups, milk, juice, yogurt and icecream are counted within the recommended fliud intake.
C. Sodium Restriction
As mentioned before excess sodium intake increases the risk of heart diseases, it is necessary to restrict the sodium intake. 2000mg of sodium diet is a standard recommendation for heart failure patients. However the adjustment of sodium diet intake is done to 1000mg or 500mg depending on the general health of the patient.
Nutrition therapy varies from person to person and disease to disease. Hence complete patient history is very essential. Thus nutrition therapy plays important role and helps to prevent many dreadful diseases.