EXAMINATION is a DREAFUL experience in the life of a student. Most of the students dislike it, but all the same they have to appear at various EXAMINATION. They know that they cannot get rid of EXAMINATION. They have to labour hard to achieve success in the EXAMINATION. They cannot egnore the fact that their entire career depends on their success in the EXAMINATIONS. So, they look the EXAMINATION as a very important event. As the EXAMINATION draws near they begin to labour harder and harder. They study day night. They prepare answers to important questions. At last the day of EXAMINATION.
An hour before the EXAMINATION is a period of feverish activity in the life of students. They get ready and start for the EXAMINATION hall. They are nervous and quiet. They try to recollect what they have prepared. Some of the examinees are not afraid of the EXAMINATION, because they are prepared well for it. Other are filled with fear. They move slowly with a heavy heart. At one moment they feel that the questions would be easy. Then they remember that they do not know the answers to many questions which are probable. Sometimes they feel that they do not remember anything. Then they are filled with despair. At last they reach the EXAMINATION-HALL.
Before the bell ring the students are seen outside the EXAMINATION-HALL. Some of them turn over the leaves of books and notebooks. Other are seen discussing probable question. Someone tells his friends how they should answer the questions. There are they would answer the questions.
When the bell rings, the students enter the EXAMINATION-HALL. They move up and down the hall in search of their seats. At last they find their seats and sit down. Some of them talk about the probable questions. Other go over their notebooks. When the second bell rings all students take their seats. They give their books and notebooks to the invigilators. The answer books are distributed. The students write their roll numbers, etc., on the title page of the answer-books, They wait anxiously for the question paper. Some of them look nervous, other look confident, but all of them are filled with the rear of the unknown. The noise dies down when the question paper are distributed.
Thus, an hour before the EXAMINATION is a period of exitment and nervousness in the life of student.