No false information

There is no to tell you that resume is first step for getting a job and your chances of getting a good job depend upon your resume to a large extent. But and this is an important but which cautions you to not to write false information about yourself. You shall have to make sure that you proceed with right facts about yourself without telling half truths. The language of your resume should be according to the standard demand and to the point which states clearly all about your educational, previous experiences, your contact details, email ID etc including the post you have applied for.    

I was recently reading an online survey regarding falls information and certificates provided by candidates and what I read was surprising as the data provided was even higher than what I thought as a former HR manager was happening in our industry.  Most industries despite having very strict rules are still facing the problem of falls certificates and information by candidates. The candidates are providing different data at the time of changing over from one company to another without much hesitation.

It is true that most companies try to search the records of the candidate before appointing him for a job but in case of appointing senior managers they become a little lenient and mostly go by the resume, profile and package of the candidates. While reading the survey what amused me more was that this problem is not limited to Indians but almost all the countries in the world are facing the same problem including America and England where candidates fill in falls information regarding their educational, experience and achievements more than what they really posses. I don’t understand why they do so as almost everyone knows that they are liable to be randomly checked and if caught all their reputation and future is spoiled forever. 

The other side 

Every company needs the best professionals in their industry especially the multinationals to face the tough competition in the job market coming from the global market. There is no doubt about the fact that there are far more candidates seeking jobs than the jobs really available for them. As per the data available 23 lakh students graduate every year in India but most of them do not find a job according to their qualification and skills. 

But would you believe if you’re told that almost 60%posts in Indian companies are waiting for right candidates? The most opportunities vacant are in the field of sales and marketing, IT, accounting, finance and office support because there are no right candidates available for them. Most of these companies sort them out within three months because they had provided were either falls or the information provided supported with fake certificates at their time of appointment.  

False information is no solution

The problem begins when a candidate provides fall or exaggerated information in her/his resume which may later lead to many more problems including a blanket ban on the career of that candidate. Therefore it is very much expected from you to match your skills, check every point especially before providing your present and past experience and be absolutely truthful about your educational qualifications. Keep in mind there is no way you can hide them for a long time besides you are liable to be executed legally too. 

Maybe you have no wrong intention by providing little exaggerated information about yourself but think about the company that will have to spend money and time to train you for the project which did not deserve in the first place. There is another point that may harm the company if they select a person with wrong information and that is related with their own security. Most companies wish to have right candidates in the right place to keep their crucial data secured. A wrong person with wrong information is more likely to leak the secrets of company for the sake of money or a better job in future.

Online surveillance

There are many apps which are helping candidates and companies in the process of appointment in near future. Candidates can easily send their data through these apps online provided both the parties are registered on that particular app. These apps will play an important role in the appointment process through social media ‘digital pool’ verifying all information through the registration ID of the candidate. For the time being companies are keeping an eye on their candidates through ‘applicant tracking system’ for verifying their CV.

In the present time almost 90% jobs in Indian corporate sector need a specialization in a particular field and perhaps that is the reason candidates are adapting falls methods. Most students do not qualify for the jobs due to lack of training during their education therefore not finding a job of their choice. Some of the methods adapted by candidate-

A- Candidates mention wrong educational qualifications that are easily traceable by background checking firms

B- There are number of educational boards and universities which are not recognized by the government

C- Providing a falls salary-slip or making changes in original salary-slips

D- Candidates provide excessive experience than they really have. It is easily traceable so advised not to go for this

E- There are certain departments that need unmarried candidates so some candidates hide their marital status at the time of applying for the job but that is also traceable

F- Certain organizations ask about criminal records but candidates with such a record never provide this information correctly but companies randomly check this data also.

Some other facts about false information in job market    

Three out of ten candidates submit a resume with false information and these are the ones which were caught during screening done by the companies but the actual number could be higher than this. India stands at number four at false resume providers in Asia. Malaysia is at top followed by Singapore and Philippines. It is surprising but true that there is a sudden jump of almost 40% among the false information in resume in the third quarter this year compared to second. More than 20% of almost 25,000 resumes screened were found having wrong information.  

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