When we launched a website (whether corporate website, blog, community, online shop, etc, etc) a fundamental step is to mount the best possible knowledge. When it comes to corporate or business web thing is not very complicated and should only reflect the name of the company or organization in a domain. Com,. Net, or. Biz as appropriate (including regional variants associated with countries like: . com,. com.ar. com.mx, etc).
The problem of choosing a good domain begins when we want to launch the web is an online shop for certain products or services, a community, blog theme, etc, and that is where we must be careful in selecting what is really more and idealizes our business and niche web users / visitors / customers who want to reach and serve.
To this list we see a very general basic tips for selecting the best possible domain:
Manage your own label, preferably using known words and terms commensurate with the market you want to address, for example tecnologiapyme.com or ahorrodiario.com very clearly tell you where to go with the information and for whom it is directed this blog, but not many Sometimes this can be that already occupied the domains of interest. So you can use terms coined by yourself but that are catchy and memorable, and while you say directly about what you, as genbeta.com or applesfera.com
Have a functional domain, we might consider a functional domain when we have the following situations. A person who knows for the first time, immediately and correctly imagines that upon entering the website you will find. A user enters, typing by intuition, the web address of that company, brand, product or service you were looking for. A client or prospect remembers user easily and without mistakes.
What domain extension to use: when choosing a domain extension to our dilemma is: what domain is best suited to our market? It is clear that the de facto standard in the network is. Com. This is undoubtedly the most desirable area but also the most exhausted, and that most domains. Com shopping more relevant in already occupied. However, if we do not operate internationally and our customers really are local to a region or country (as it is in almost all SMEs), we may choose to manage their own regional domain of our country, as are the:. is, com.ar, com.mx,. cl, etc.
Avoid errors to be the domain name: selecting our domain we avoid things like redundancy by using regional domains, so that if diariodeargentina.com.ar. Ar and tells us where the paper. As far as possible avoid numbers, it has been shown that domains with bad numbers is easy to write when referring verbally, so do those who use special characters such as dashes "-" and "_" and the "ñ (unfortunately for those who are Spanish speaking).
Associated domains and the like: if you think your web project will be successful and therefore a lot of traffic and demand, register as many domains related and relative to the same. Like domains are those of the other extensions available for your current domain, for example if your domain is gynconsultores.es, gynconsultores.com would like domains. Net,. Biz, etc. And the dominoes related domains would be highly likely to be related to your original domain, such as gynconsultoresonline.com, etc. The more important your site copper and more dependent on this business, more like domains and members must be under control.
Personally register the domain: many times we go to the records bundled offering hosting providers, but sometimes it is counterproductive when at "X" reason want to change hosting provider and the same, does not give you facilities to move Your domain to another provider (if a professional hosting provider this should not happen, but in practice comes to pass). Thus it is always advisable to register separately the domain hosting, and domain for ourselves with our most trusted provider, so if we move the hosting from one provider to another, we take the domain where we want to reconfigure only the DNS associated with it.
It is clear that more documentation to the rules and tips for selecting a good domain could take several posts on this blog, but wanted to make it as practical as possible and therefore we mention the most relevant advice for our consideration. However, if some of you kind readers want to delve deeper into this fund, we recommend the links listed at the bottom of this post where you can find more details concerning this issue.
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