Computer is perhaps the most powerful and versatile tool ever created by man.
"generation" in computer provides a framework for the growth of the computer industry . there are totally five computer generation known untill dotay . each generation has been discussed below in detail along with its identifying characteristics .
~~>> First Generation (1942 - 1955)
The first business computer was developed in the year 1951 by U.S. census bureau. This computer was called un :ivarsal automatic computer (UNIVAC) . The technology was based on vacuum tubes . The vacuum tube circuits contained a filament that was heated to emit electrons .
Main Features :
1>> Bulky in size , requiring large rooms for installation.
2>> Very expensive .
3>> As large number of vecuum tubes were used that emitted large amount of heat , so result of that air condioned was used .
4>> processor speed measured in milliseconds .
5>> power consumption of these computer was very high .
~~>> Second Generation (1955 - 1964)
The computer that used transistor were called the second genration computer i.e. in this era transistors were used in place of vacume tubes . Transistors are electronic circuitc that are small in size and do not require any heating for emitting electrons .
Main Features :
1>> They consuined less power than the first - generation computer .
2>> Heat dissipation was much less then first - generation computer .
3>> Speed was ten time faster than first generation computer .
4>> Large primary and secondary storage as compared to firat - generation computer .
5>> More reliable and less prone to errors .
~~>> Third Generation (1964 - 1974)
In this generation " Large Scale Integration " (LSI) circuits were used . The LSI circuits were invented in mid - 1960s. LSI circuits integrate several circuit components into a single chip .
Main Features :
1>> Smaller in size
2>> Portable
3>> The use of high lenguage were possible.
4>> Less power consumed than the second generation computer .
5>> Processor speed measured in nanoseconds .
6>> Improvement in cost performance factor .
~~>> Fourth Generation (1974 - 1988)
Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) chips were invented in the year 1969 .The computers that used VLSI are called the fourth generation computer . During the fourth generation , magnetic core memories were replaced by semiconductor memories . The introduction of standard arthitecture helped in greater mobility of system , the introduction of micro - technology and significant software developments .
Main Features :
1>> Very small in size
2>> Very reliable and cheaper
3>> They were totally general purpose computer .
4>> Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) enabled new user to quickly learn how to use computers .
5>> Sharing of computer resource like disks , printer etc . can possible among multiple computer and thair use .
~~>> Fifth Generation (1988 - present)
Recent research has focused on developing ' thinking computer ' i.e. artificial intelligency in computers . Currently scientist are trying to develope a computer that can think like a human act like a human . These computer are called fifth generation computers and are developed in the laboratories of U.S.A. and Japan. These computer will have K.I.P.S. ( Knowledge Information Processing syster ) . In reality we have entered in the era of generationless computer because no single innovation is or will be , good enough to name another generation of computer