Hi Folks, most of us have windows XP as their operating system which takes a lot of time to shutdown. Usually all you

people are only interested in speeding up the performance of XP and now everybody must be knowing the tricks in it. So I am

going to tell you people how to shutdown windows XP faster.

The steps are......

1. Open the Run menu and type in regedit which opens the registry editor.

2. Go to the following location

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

3. In Desktop check the fields on right hand side....edit the Wait ToKillApp Timeout and put in the value as 4000.

4. Now go to the followin location


5. In Control check edit the field  Wait ToKillService Timeout and put in the value as 4000.

By doing the above steps you computer will shutdown faster.


--Kuldeep Kumavat.


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