Blogging is the great platform to do many things. We can share our talent, Advertise, Promote and many more things. If people are interested in writing, then they should consider blogging. Using blogging they can even generate revenue with their quality content.
Here are few tips for the people who are interested in blogging.
About Choosing Subject: Very first important thing is about choosing subject. Now many people always go for subject which is popular. But this is very wrong thing. One should always choose subject as per their interest and knowledge, so that they can justify that blog more efficiently. Person will only able to write more and new things on blog if he/she is interested in it subject. So better think properly and choose the proper subject.
On which platform? : After thinking about a subject people should know on which platform they should make blog. There are many free platforms like blogger and wordpress available for blogging. And they can choose anyone. But for starters, I would like to recommend which is really good for the beginners. Using this site they can make blog quite easily without knowing about technical stuffs.
Choose Design: Blogger site is having good templates. Better you choose your subject related template from it. If you don’t found any good template related to your subject than better you search for good templates from the internet. You can get some good templates related to your subject from Btemplate site.
About Post: After choosing the proper template, it’s time for making our first post. Go for it with full confident and write your first post with the proper manner with all paragraphs and proper white space. I mean always write your posts like that they not look dull and improper.
Adding Image: Always use images in your posts. Images always create good effects on your reader and also it makes your posts more good looking. But keep in mind that you not use copyrighted images from the internet because that can trouble in future. Go for your own photographs or try to find out free images from the internet.
Be Regular: Now we almost had done it. Now the important thing is that you keep posting new things in regular mode. I mean better you not get bored with your own blog and stop posting. I know this is happens many time but never stop your work on it completely. Otherwise it will make your blog almost dead.
About comment section: If you are just a starter in blogging, than it’s obvious that you don’t having more readers. Then its better you hide commenting section. I am saying this because box showing 0 comments can create negative impact on your reader. I know many people think that this is not necessary. But I have heard this tip from many experience bloggers. So I guess it is important too.
Now this is it. I have already explained everything for a starter to start a fresh blog. I try to explain every detail that I got from my own blogging experience. I hope this will help all newbie who are interested in writing. Best of luck. ;)