Question quite often and, despite the personal color, bearing in response to a number of very useful conclusions that you could take him on board.
Let's start from the beginning.
Why do I personally - Nikita Korolev - doing the information business?
If it is very short, just because it pleases me. Unfortunately, most people are attracted to just the financial component of the Internet business, but - however paradoxical it did not sound - to me personally is something that is ten times more important than that!
Yes, of course, that's cool - to shock their others: friends and relatives - an expensive purchase. Yes, of course, it's fun - not to think about whether you have enough money when you're going somewhere with someone to go. And the sea of other reasons to quietly or loudly, glad that you have a business on the web, bringing you a living.
But probably I was too young to feel about money any other sense than indifferent consumer. No money? Well, we'll get, or wait and sap. There? Oh, wonderful, then spend them ...
Granted, it's not quite an adult, but I did not say that I Soryu money or throw them away? None. Just like any representative of today's youth, to part with them a little more easily than they should, and think about the future a little less than it would be necessary ...
For example, agree that would be in my situation is at least takes an interest in investing. Well, there's all sorts of PIFS, stock markets, stocks ... But I'm in this business - complete zero. Although I can not say that for me the mysterious word FOREX is devoid of its magical appeal, as for all others. No, this line of Internet business activity for me is of great interest.
So the reason for the continued growth enough! ..
Closer to the topic. What exactly, other than solid financial support of my physical being, giving me lessons information business (and, incidentally, will give every one who set out to have them. In other words: Internet business is able to bring to life one reads these lines everything as listed below - it is checked in practice ...)
1. Occasion - and, moreover, is not weak, even - for constant growth and improvement.
Agree a little, who reported thinking about the meaning of life and its place on this earth, when up to Saturday noon, and in your pocket - two and a half of the ruble, and the drinking party with a bite by no means enough;) ...
I also personally any such "other-worldly" thoughts just do not leave ...
And - do not let me lie to my personal blog - too often I'll just horrified, how far and in what we sometimes give birth to the thick mazes of his own consciousness. Just horror! ..
Horror as interesting, I mean;) ...
All of this creates a different world view. And that's putting it mildly. Already, in my - let's face it - his early years, I often just amazed stark difference in the perception of reality, having a place to be in the minds of my peers and in my own head.
2. Excellent Hobbies: business, which I love doing in your spare time, and which does not allow boredom to catch me by surprise!
Agree a little, who among us would refuse to study the works of recognized experts in the field that it really draws if knew what the result and the success of its actions will depend on how carefully and thoughtfully manage all this study and how He conscientiously apply their knowledge in practice.
In short, the trick that makes it really interesting to deal with a host of other related web business affairs, will inevitably lead to progress and self-improvement.
3. Your business - it's a great motivator to live productive!
Honestly, since, as I have been doing business, I just stopped to understand people, aching, that, well, they have nothing to do or that boredom discourage any desire to do anything "socially useful".
As stated, the main drawback of doing nothing is that you can not pause and rest;) ...
But! The most paradoxical is that I was the same!
I remember how at one time in the summer could not find things to do and how - before - gladly went to school, because in junior high I loved to learn.
I grew up, I was changing - me and my hobbies. Today it is mainly - an information business, and I must say, I'm just happy with the opportunities it provides.
In fairness all I will say ... from depression and nervous breakdowns insurance you no one will give. From a sense of complete hopelessness and bezynteresnosti addition, what do you do how ever long time, sometimes just can not escape. More than that. The desire to throw everything and send all - far away - too early or very early attends all.
Here too everyone decides for himself how to fight it. For example, I simply submit your own life without the information business, as there is no longer the slightest desire to complain, or lose it, what has put so much time and effort, and seems to be a piece of himself ...
Nevertheless, I simply must remember: life is capricious aunt, and black and white stripes we stocked it a lot.
But there is no reason to give up too soon?
"Alignment before the battle is not ours, but we'll play!"
And finally, the last in my makeshift top sheet ...
4. This is an excellent testing ground for the development of their creativity, express themselves, disclose their creativity, to generate and implement their ideas.
Tell you straight: it's just ... amazing, when what you are doing something that yesterday was just conceived in your head the next day it becomes public. Know about it thousands, tens or hundreds of thousands of other people. Completely unfamiliar to you!
And they know about your projects, they learn and discuss them, analyze and make for yourself any conclusions.
The fact that today is still immature embryo in that part of your brain that deals with the generation of ideas, and tomorrow will haunt the minds of hundreds and thousands of people. M-uh, yeah - it's an indescribable feeling!
Only one phrase - the author's draft - is worth. And when was behind it something more necessary and useful, grows into something big and popular, widely known and discussed - yes, it's really cool! ..
Here, perhaps, that's all. I am absolutely sincere answer to one of the most tricky and, simultaneously, frequently asked me in a virtual environment issues. I hope that you will find yourself on the Internet, and much more hope that it is among the information business.
Believe me, it's really a cool thing - your business web ...
I sincerely wish you success! .. I'll see you