: Nature (360)
Articles [Nature]
Who purchased a piece of land was going build a house there do they Bhoomi pooja.
I saw my fried; David had also come there with his father. Seeing me there, David came to me and asked, ``do you know the purpose of Bhoomi Pooja?’’ I said, ``no,...
Did you think that the world’s rarest gem is diamond? Then guess again. It’s Painite –only three crystals have ever been found. Here are some more astonishing facts for you.
A diamond will not dissolve in acid. The only thing...
*Why do people yawn?
One usually yawns when bored or tired. Yawning makes you draw in breath, filling your lungs with air. This increases the oxygen supply to the blood to help make your self up.
*What is a sponge?
The dried...
Our earth supports more than 50 million species[a research quotes "Estimates of the total species richness of the Earth range from 3 – 10 million, with some estimates as high as 50 million."],of which a single species- the humans have made...
Three suggestions to reduce the Noise pollution...
One of the side effects of modernisation and urbanisation is the increasing level of decibel in town and cities. Noise pollution contributes to several health hazards, like deafness, migraine and...
Recently I had been to Banglore. As most of you know its called garden city. while travelling the driver who was a localite gave me some input as to why Banglore has mangaed to be called the green city since so long. He said that the municipal...
How It Rains: How Do Clouds Turn Into Water? This was a question that kept resounding in my mind for many years in my school days. I asked every possible answerer and was not convinced with his or her answers. The answers that I received from...
Excited!!!??? about Charging the mobile thro our body,yes the development and the experimentation is undergoing and we can expect this to be introduce soon.Its nothing but transforming body heat into electricity using circuitry.We may be able to...
If you push something, it will move and things also show movements if you pull them.
To move something, we require pulling or pushing it.
This push or a pull is called a force.
Kinds of forces
If you push the toy-car on a carpet, its...
First for one whole year we should identify here "the top ten things that GOVT should do" with heavy debates and community polls. Then start a online petition about it (offline petitions for non internet public using NGOs will be made later on),...
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