First for one whole year we should identify here "the top ten things that GOVT should do" with heavy debates and community polls. Then start a online petition about it (offline petitions for non internet public using NGOs will be made later on), all of us should sign the petition and heavily promote it all over internet, not just orkut; now guess what the petition title says.
It says this :
"We pledge our votes to Only those candidates who promise these 10 environment solutions"
By the next election we can implement all those things we discuss here. This is how democracy works . When 100 million voters sign this petition, india will wakeup and hav an environmental revolution, since only those politicians who follow us will win.
Majority of voters can always decide on what needs to be done on massive scales to save environment. Without being done on national scale using govt money, things wont be effective as they are required to be due to the scale of Environmental destruction. I am sure current politicians dont even know what really should be done to save our planet from mass extinction, hence they follow the biofuel companies .
This also will inspire many diehard environmentalist to contest in elections since they are the experts, that will set things rolling fast towards our goals. Once this becomes a success, it will inspire all people world over to do the same in their countries, since the formula worked once should work even better with experience and knowledge on how to execute it.
Remember, GOVT = always our will or the lack of it.
PS> Just like you all, i am not perfect so tell us even more effective solutions. i had posted a old versions of this message but there was no mass response, if you want us to save ourself then this time please atleast post "i support".